Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Default language | Privzet jezik: | Details | |
This name will appear in the survey list overview and in the administration header. | To ime se bo pojavilo v pregledu seznama anket in v skrbniški glavi | Details | |
This name will appear in the survey list overview and in the administration header. To ime se bo pojavilo v pregledu seznama anket in v skrbniški glavi
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This is the default email address of the site administrator and used for system messages, contact options and default bounce email. | To je privzeti elektronski naslov skrbnika strani, uporablja se za sistemska sporočila, možnosti kontakta in kot privzeti naslov za zavrnjena sporočila. | Details | |
This is the default email address of the site administrator and used for system messages, contact options and default bounce email. To je privzeti elektronski naslov skrbnika strani, uporablja se za sistemska sporočila, možnosti kontakta in kot privzeti naslov za zavrnjena sporočila.
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Administrator email | Skrbnikov e-mail | Details | |
This is the default name of the site administrator and used for system messages and contact options. | To je privzeto ime skrbnika strani, uporablja se za sistemska sporočila in možnosti kontakta. | Details | |
This is the default name of the site administrator and used for system messages and contact options. To je privzeto ime skrbnika strani, uporablja se za sistemska sporočila in možnosti kontakta.
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Administrator name | Skrbnikovo ime | Details | |
Confirm your admin password | Potrdite svoje skrbniško geslo | Details | |
Confirm your admin password Potrdite svoje skrbniško geslo
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This will be the password of admin user. | To bo geslo skrbniškega uporabnika. | Details | |
This will be the password of admin user. To bo geslo skrbniškega uporabnika.
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Admin login password | Geslo za skrbniško prijavo | Details | |
This will be the userid by which admin of board will login. | To bo uporabniško ime, s katerim se bo prijavil skrbnik. | Details | |
This will be the userid by which admin of board will login. To bo uporabniško ime, s katerim se bo prijavil skrbnik.
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Admin login name | Skrbnikovo prijavno ime | Details | |
You can leave these settings blank and change them later | Te nastavitve lahko pustite prazne in jih spremenite pozneje | Details | |
You can leave these settings blank and change them later Te nastavitve lahko pustite prazne in jih spremenite pozneje
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I accept | Sprejmem | Details | |
LimeSurvey installer | LimeSurveyev namestitveni program | Details | |
If your database is shared, recommended prefix is "lime_" else you can leave this setting blank. | Če si podatkovno zbirko s kom delite, priporočamo predpono "lime_", sicer lahko polje pustite prazno. | Details | |
If your database is shared, recommended prefix is "lime_" else you can leave this setting blank. Če si podatkovno zbirko s kom delite, priporočamo predpono "lime_", sicer lahko polje pustite prazno.
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