Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Formats a date according to the Survey's date format for the specified language. Example: localize_date(VALIDUNTIL, TOKEN:LANGUAGE) | Oblikuje datum glede na obliko datuma ankete za določen jezik. Primer: localize_date(VALIDUNTIL, TOKEN:LANGUAGE) | Details | |
Formats a date according to the Survey's date format for the specified language. Example: localize_date(VALIDUNTIL, TOKEN:LANGUAGE) Oblikuje datum glede na obliko datuma ankete za določen jezik. Primer: localize_date(VALIDUNTIL, TOKEN:LANGUAGE)
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Invalid language %s for token ID: %s. | Neveljaven jezik %s za ID žetona: %s. | Details | |
Invalid language %s for token ID: %s. Neveljaven jezik %s za ID žetona: %s.
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If the new survey ID is already used, a random one will be assigned. | Če je novi ID ankete že uporabljen, bo dodeljen naključni ID. | Details | |
If the new survey ID is already used, a random one will be assigned. Če je novi ID ankete že uporabljen, bo dodeljen naključni ID.
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Participant expiration date can't be lower than the "Valid from" date | Datum poteka za udeleženca ne sme biti pred datumom, ki je naveden v polju »Velja od« | Details | |
Participant expiration date can't be lower than the "Valid from" date Datum poteka za udeleženca ne sme biti pred datumom, ki je naveden v polju »Velja od«
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The desired survey ID was already in use, therefore a random one was assigned. | Želeni ID ankete je že bil v uporabi, zato je bil dodeljen naključni ID. | Details | |
The desired survey ID was already in use, therefore a random one was assigned. Želeni ID ankete je že bil v uporabi, zato je bil dodeljen naključni ID.
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Prior to 16 / PSPP | Pred 16/PSPP | Details | |
Delete email(s) from list after sending was successful | Po uspešnem pošiljanju izbriši e-poštne naslove s seznama | Details | |
Delete email(s) from list after sending was successful Po uspešnem pošiljanju izbriši e-poštne naslove s seznama
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Privacy policy error message: | Sporočilo o napaki pravilnika o zasebnosti: | Details | |
Privacy policy error message: Sporočilo o napaki pravilnika o zasebnosti:
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Privacy policy message: | Sporočilo pravilnika o zasebnosti: | Details | |
Privacy policy message: Sporočilo pravilnika o zasebnosti:
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Privacy policy checkbox label: | Oznaka potrditvenega polja pravilnika o zasebnosti: | Details | |
Privacy policy checkbox label: Oznaka potrditvenega polja pravilnika o zasebnosti:
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Privacy policy notice: | Obvestilo o pravilniku o zasebnosti: | Details | |
Privacy policy notice: Obvestilo o pravilniku o zasebnosti:
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Show link/button to delete response & exit survey | Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odgovora in izhod iz ankete | Details | |
Show link/button to delete response & exit survey Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odgovora in izhod iz ankete
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Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. | Spoštovani skrbnik ankete. Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek »Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila« v spodnjih anketah. | Details | |
Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. Spoštovani skrbnik ankete. Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ↵ ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek »Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila« v spodnjih anketah.
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Please note that failed email notifications will be automatically deleted after 30 days. | Upoštevajte, da bodo neuspešna e-poštna obvestila samodejno izbrisana po 30 dneh. | Details | |
Please note that failed email notifications will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Upoštevajte, da bodo neuspešna e-poštna obvestila samodejno izbrisana po 30 dneh.
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An email has been sent with details about your saved survey. Please make sure to remember your password. | Poslali smo vam e-poštno sporočilo s podrobnostmi o shranjeni anketi. Zapomnite si svoje geslo. | Details | |
An email has been sent with details about your saved survey. Please make sure to remember your password. Poslali smo vam e-poštno sporočilo s podrobnostmi o shranjeni anketi. Zapomnite si svoje geslo.
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