Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Attribute display setting updated | Nastavitev prikaza atributa posodobljena | Details | |
Attribute display setting updated Nastavitev prikaza atributa posodobljena
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You have been added back to the central participants list for this site. | Odstranjeni ste bili z osrednjega seznama anketirancev te strani. | Details | |
You have been added back to the central participants list for this site. Odstranjeni ste bili z osrednjega seznama anketirancev te strani.
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Add language | Dodaj jezik | Details | |
They were found to be duplicate using a combination of firstname, lastname and email fields | Dvojniki so bili najdeni s pomočjo kombinacije polj ime, priimek in elektronski naslov | Details | |
They were found to be duplicate using a combination of firstname, lastname and email fields Dvojniki so bili najdeni s pomočjo kombinacije polj ime, priimek in elektronski naslov
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They were found to be duplicate using the participant id field | Dvojniki so bili najdeni s pomočjo polja id anketiranca | Details | |
They were found to be duplicate using the participant id field Dvojniki so bili najdeni s pomočjo polja id anketiranca
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%s records were duplicate but had attributes updated | %s zapisov je bilo podvojenih, a so bili njihovi atributi posodobljeni | Details | |
%s records were duplicate but had attributes updated %s zapisov je bilo podvojenih, a so bili njihovi atributi posodobljeni
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%s new participants were created | Ustvarjenih %s novih anketirancev | Details | |
%s new participants were created Ustvarjenih %s novih anketirancev
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%s records found in CSV file | %s zapisov najdenih v datoteki CSV | Details | |
%s records found in CSV file %s zapisov najdenih v datoteki CSV
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No new participants were created | Ustvarjen ni bil noben nov anketiranec | Details | |
No new participants were created Ustvarjen ni bil noben nov anketiranec
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Can edit? | Lahko ureja? | Details | |
Submitted | Poslano | Details | |
Last invited | Zadnji povabljen | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped | Opomba: standardna polja žetona ne morejo biti preslikana samodejno | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped Opomba: standardna polja žetona ne morejo biti preslikana samodejno
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Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? | Prepiši obstoječo vrednost standardnega polja, če anketiranec že obstaja? | Details | |
Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? Prepiši obstoječo vrednost standardnega polja, če anketiranec že obstaja?
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Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? | Prepiši obstoječe samodejno preslikane vrednosti atributov, če anketiranec že obstaja? | Details | |
Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? Prepiši obstoječe samodejno preslikane vrednosti atributov, če anketiranec že obstaja?
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