Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Answer matched (regexp) | Odgovor usklajen (regexp) | Details | |
Answer was greater than | Odgovor je bil večji od | Details | |
Answer was greater than or equal to | Odgovor je bil večji ali enak | Details | |
Answer was greater than or equal to Odgovor je bil večji ali enak
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Answer was less than or equal to | Odgovor je bil manjši ali enak | Details | |
Answer was less than or equal to Odgovor je bil manjši ali enak
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Answer was less than | Odogovor je bil manj kot | Details | |
Answer was NOT | Odgovor NI bil | Details | |
Answer was | Odgovor je bil | Details | |
Relevance help for printable survey | Pomoč pri ustreznosti za tiskano verzijo ankete | Details | |
Relevance help for printable survey Pomoč pri ustreznosti za tiskano verzijo ankete
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You must set according write permissions on these filese before you can proceed. If you are unsure what to do please contact your system administrator for advice. | Na teh datotekah morate nastaviti pravice za pisanje, preden lahko nadaljujete. Če ne veste, kaj storiti, se obrnite na svojega sistemskega administratorja. | Details | |
You must set according write permissions on these filese before you can proceed. If you are unsure what to do please contact your system administrator for advice. Na teh datotekah morate nastaviti pravice za pisanje, preden lahko nadaljujete. Če ne veste, kaj storiti, se obrnite na svojega sistemskega administratorja.
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Warning: The following files/directories need to be updated but their permissions are set to read-only. | Opozorilo: sledeče datoteke/mape je potrebno posodobiti, vendar so njihove pravice nastavljene na samo za branje. | Details | |
Warning: The following files/directories need to be updated but their permissions are set to read-only. Opozorilo: sledeče datoteke/mape je potrebno posodobiti, vendar so njihove pravice nastavljene na samo za branje.
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Sorry, but this question has too many answer options to be shown properly in a graph. | Žal ima to vprašanje preveč možnih odgovorov, da bi bili v grafu prikazani pravilno. | Details | |
Sorry, but this question has too many answer options to be shown properly in a graph. Žal ima to vprašanje preveč možnih odgovorov, da bi bili v grafu prikazani pravilno.
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If you are using token functions or notifications emails you need to set an administrator email address. | V kolikor uporabljate funkcije žetona ali pa e-poštno obveščanje, morate nastaviti e-poštni naslov skrbnika. | Details | |
If you are using token functions or notifications emails you need to set an administrator email address. V kolikor uporabljate funkcije žetona ali pa e-poštno obveščanje, morate nastaviti e-poštni naslov skrbnika.
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URL: | url: | Details | |
Mongolian | Mongolsko | Details | |
Deleting survey table: %s | Brisanje anketne tabele: %s | Details | |
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