Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Jezici uvezene datoteke skupine moraju barem sadržavati osnovni jezik ovog upitnika. | Details | |
The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. Jezici uvezene datoteke skupine moraju barem sadržavati osnovni jezik ovog upitnika.
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Start HTML editor in a popup window | Pokrenite uređivač HTML-a u skočnom prozoru | Details | |
Start HTML editor in a popup window Pokrenite uređivač HTML-a u skočnom prozoru
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Switch to closed-access mode | Prebaci na način rada zatvorenog pristupa | Details | |
Switch to closed-access mode Prebaci na način rada zatvorenog pristupa
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The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. | Neophodni direktorij za spremanje prenesenih datoteka ne može se stvoriti. Provjerite dozvole u direktoriju /upload/surveys. | Details | |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. Neophodni direktorij za spremanje prenesenih datoteka ne može se stvoriti. Provjerite dozvole u direktoriju /upload/surveys.
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Database error | Pogreška baze podataka | Details | |
Activate Survey | Aktiviraj upitnik | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. | Ovo pitanje ima postavljen uvjet, ali se uvjet odnosi na pitanje koje se pojavljuje nakon ovog pitanja. | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. Ovo pitanje ima postavljen uvjet, ali se uvjet odnosi na pitanje koje se pojavljuje nakon ovog pitanja.
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This question requires a second answer set but none is set. | Ovo pitanje zahtjeva drugi odgovor, ali on nije postavljen. | Details | |
This question requires a second answer set but none is set. Ovo pitanje zahtjeva drugi odgovor, ali on nije postavljen.
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This question requires answers, but none are set. | Ovo pitanje zahtijeva odgovore, ali nijedno nije postavljeno. | Details | |
This question requires answers, but none are set. Ovo pitanje zahtijeva odgovore, ali nijedno nije postavljeno.
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This question does not have a question 'type' set. | Ovo pitanje nema postavljenu vrstu pitanja. | Details | |
This question does not have a question 'type' set. Ovo pitanje nema postavljenu vrstu pitanja.
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This group does not contain any question(s). | Ova skupina ne sadrži pitanje ili pitanja. | Details | |
This group does not contain any question(s). Ova skupina ne sadrži pitanje ili pitanja.
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Submit | Pošalji | Details | |
Question index | Indeks pitanja | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. | Ovaj upitnik trenutno nije aktivan. Nećete biti u mogućnosti spremiti odgovore. | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. Ovaj upitnik trenutno nije aktivan. Nećete biti u mogućnosti spremiti odgovore.
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One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. | Jedna ili više prenesenih datoteka nisu u pravilnom formatu/veličini. Ne može nastaviti dok ne prenesete ispravne datoteke. | Details | |
One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. Jedna ili više prenesenih datoteka nisu u pravilnom formatu/veličini. Ne može nastaviti dok ne prenesete ispravne datoteke.
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