Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Ranking | Rangiranje | Details | |
Browse | Pregled | Details | |
Results | Rezultati | Details | |
Percentage of total: | Postotak od ukupno: | Details | |
Total records in survey: | Ukupan broj zapisa u upitniku: | Details | |
Total records in survey: Ukupan broj zapisa u upitniku:
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Number of records in this query: | Broj zapisa u ovom upitu: | Details | |
Number of records in this query: Broj zapisa u ovom upitu:
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Survey | Upitnik | Details | |
Comments | Komentari | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes | Nije moguće ažurirati oznake zbog korištenja postojećih kôdova | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes Nije moguće ažurirati oznake zbog korištenja postojećih kôdova
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Labels successfully updated | Oznake su uspješno ažurirane | Details | |
Labels successfully updated Oznake su uspješno ažurirane
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This is not a valid timings data XML file. | Ovo nije važeća XML datoteka vremena. | Details | |
This is not a valid timings data XML file. Ovo nije važeća XML datoteka vremena.
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This is not a valid response data XML file. | Ovo nije valjana XML datoteka podataka odgovora. | Details | |
This is not a valid response data XML file. Ovo nije valjana XML datoteka podataka odgovora.
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This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. | Ovo nije važeća LimeSurvey XML datoteka strukture. | Details | |
This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. Ovo nije važeća LimeSurvey XML datoteka strukture.
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Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. | Žao nam je ali vaši odgovori prelaze kvotu ovog upitnika. | Details | |
Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. Žao nam je ali vaši odgovori prelaze kvotu ovog upitnika.
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The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Jezici uvezene datoteke pitanja moraju sadržavati barem osnovni jezik ovog upitnika. | Details | |
The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. Jezici uvezene datoteke pitanja moraju sadržavati barem osnovni jezik ovog upitnika.
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