Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Include: | Uključi: | Details | |
Your data should be imported now. | Podaci bi sada trebali biti uvezeni. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now. Podaci bi sada trebali biti uvezeni.
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Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. | Odaberi 'Run/All' iz izbornika kako bi pokrenuo uvoz. | Details | |
Choose 'Run/All' from the menu to run the import. Odaberi 'Run/All' iz izbornika kako bi pokrenuo uvoz.
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Open the syntax file in SPSS in Unicode mode. | Otvori sintaksnu datoteku u SPSS Unicode načinu rada. | Details | |
Open the syntax file in SPSS in Unicode mode. Otvori sintaksnu datoteku u SPSS Unicode načinu rada.
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Export syntax | Izvoz sintakse | Details | |
16 or up | 16 ili više | Details | |
SPSS version: | SPSS verzija: | Details | |
Export response data to SPSS | Izvezi rezultate u SPSS | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Tvoji podaci bi trebali biti uvezeni, data.frame nazvan je "data", variable.names su atributi podataka ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kao za foreign:read.spss. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. Tvoji podaci bi trebali biti uvezeni, data.frame nazvan je "data", variable.names su atributi podataka ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), kao za foreign:read.spss.
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Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) | Pohrani oba u R radni direktorij (koristi getwd() i setwd() unutar R komandnog prozora kako bi preuzeli i postavili) | Details | |
Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) Pohrani oba u R radni direktorij (koristi getwd() i setwd() unutar R komandnog prozora kako bi preuzeli i postavili)
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Download the data and the syntax file. | Preuzimanje podataka i sintaksne datoteke. | Details | |
Download the data and the syntax file. Preuzimanje podataka i sintaksne datoteke.
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Instructions for the impatient | Upute za nestrpljive | Details | |
Step 2: | Korak 2: | Details | |
Step 1: | Korak 1: | Details | |
Data selection: | Odabir podataka: | Details | |
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