Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Email settings | Postavke e-maila | Details | |
Global settings | Globalne postavke | Details | |
For easy opening in MS Excel, change the extension to 'tab' or 'txt' | Za lakše otvaranje u MS Excel-u, promijenite ekstenziju u 'tab' ili 'txt' | Details | |
For easy opening in MS Excel, change the extension to 'tab' or 'txt' Za lakše otvaranje u MS Excel-u, promijenite ekstenziju u 'tab' ili 'txt'
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Label | Oznaka | Details | |
Number of files less than: | Broj datoteka manji od: | Details | |
Number of files greater than: | Broj datoteka veći od: | Details | |
Responses containing | Odgovori sadrže | Details | |
Number less than: | Broj manji od: | Details | |
Number greater than: | Broj veći od: | Details | |
Show graphs: | Prikaži grafikone: | Details | |
Output options | Opcije izlaza | Details | |
Statistics report language: | Jezik za prikaz statistike: | Details | |
Statistics report language: Jezik za prikaz statistike:
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Subtotals based on displayed questions: | Međuzbroj temeljen na prikazanim pitanjima: | Details | |
Subtotals based on displayed questions: Međuzbroj temeljen na prikazanim pitanjima:
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Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed | Statistika brojanja za svako pitanje je bazirana samo na ukupnom broju odgovora prikazanih pitanja | Details | |
Count stats for each question based only on the total number of responses for which the question was displayed Statistika brojanja za svako pitanje je bazirana samo na ukupnom broju odgovora prikazanih pitanja
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View summary of all available fields: | Prikaz sažetka za sva dostupna polja: | Details | |
View summary of all available fields: Prikaz sažetka za sva dostupna polja:
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