Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Are you really sure you want to delete incomplete responses and reset the completed state of both, response and participant? | Da li stvarno želite izbrisati nedovršene odgovore i poništiti status dovršenosti za odgovore i ispitanike? | Details | |
Are you really sure you want to delete incomplete responses and reset the completed state of both, response and participant? Da li stvarno želite izbrisati nedovršene odgovore i poništiti status dovršenosti za odgovore i ispitanike?
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Reset all your participants to the 'not used' state | Promijeni statuse svih ispitanika u 'nije korišten' | Details | |
Reset all your participants to the 'not used' state Promijeni statuse svih ispitanika u 'nije korišten'
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Delete all incomplete responses that correspond to a participant for which a completed response is already recorded | Izbriši sve nedovršene odgovore za koje postoje ispitanici koji imaju i dovršene odgovore | Details | |
Delete all incomplete responses that correspond to a participant for which a completed response is already recorded Izbriši sve nedovršene odgovore za koje postoje ispitanici koji imaju i dovršene odgovore
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Click on the following button if you want to | Kliknite na slijedeći gumb ukoliko želite | Details | |
Click on the following button if you want to Kliknite na slijedeći gumb ukoliko želite
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Important instructions | Važne upute | Details | |
Total records in survey | Ukupan broj zapisa u upitniku | Details | |
Start installation | Početak instalacije | Details | |
Your preferred language will be used through out the installation process. | Vaš željeni jezik koristit će se kroz postupak instalacije. | Details | |
Your preferred language will be used through out the installation process. Vaš željeni jezik koristit će se kroz postupak instalacije.
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Please select your preferred language: | Odaberite željeni jezik: | Details | |
Please select your preferred language: Odaberite željeni jezik:
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Language selection | Odabir jezika | Details | |
Administrator credentials | Vjerodajnice administratora | Details | |
Configuration | Konfiguracija | Details | |
%s%% completed | %s%% završeno | Details | |
Progress | Napredak | Details | |
Recommended | Preporučeno | Details | |
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