Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Optional modules | Dodatni moduli | Details | |
Found & writable | Pronađena i zapisiva | Details | |
directory | mapa | Details | |
None found | Nije pronađeno | Details | |
At least one installed | Bar jedan instaliran | Details | |
Outdated | Zastarjelo | Details | |
PHP version | PHP verzija | Details | |
Minimum requirements | Minimalni zahtjevi | Details | |
This will be your default language. | Ovo će biti vaš zadani jezik. | Details | |
This will be your default language. Ovo će biti vaš zadani jezik.
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Default language | Zadani jezik | Details | |
This name will appear in the survey list overview and in the administration header. | Ovo ime će se pojaviti na pregledu popisa upitnika i u zaglavlju administracije. | Details | |
This name will appear in the survey list overview and in the administration header. Ovo ime će se pojaviti na pregledu popisa upitnika i u zaglavlju administracije.
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This is the default email address of the site administrator and used for system messages, contact options and default bounce email. | Ovo je zadana adresa e-pošte administratora web-lokacije i koristi se za poruke sustava, opcije kontakta i zadanu e-poštu za odbijene poruke. | Details | |
This is the default email address of the site administrator and used for system messages, contact options and default bounce email. Ovo je zadana adresa e-pošte administratora web-lokacije i koristi se za poruke sustava, opcije kontakta i zadanu e-poštu za odbijene poruke.
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Administrator email | E-maila administratora | Details | |
This is the default name of the site administrator and used for system messages and contact options. | Ovo je zadani naziv administratora web stranice i koristi se za poruke sustava i opcije kontakata. | Details | |
This is the default name of the site administrator and used for system messages and contact options. Ovo je zadani naziv administratora web stranice i koristi se za poruke sustava i opcije kontakata.
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Administrator name | Ime administratora | Details | |
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