Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
There are no participants to be exported. | Nema ispitanika za izvoz. | Details | |
There are no participants to be exported. Nema ispitanika za izvoz.
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Starting in 2.05, variable names should only contain letters and numbers; and may not start with a number. This variable name is deprecated. | OD verzije 2.05 nazivi varijabli trebaju sadržavati samo slova i znamenke i ne mogu započeti sa znamenkom. Navedeni naziv varijable je zastario. | Details | |
Starting in 2.05, variable names should only contain letters and numbers; and may not start with a number. This variable name is deprecated. OD verzije 2.05 nazivi varijabli trebaju sadržavati samo slova i znamenke i ne mogu započeti sa znamenkom. Navedeni naziv varijable je zastario.
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The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. | Nije pronađena datoteka fontova %s u <limesurvey root folder>/fonts mapi. Molimo pogledajte txt datoteku svog jezika u direktoriju fontova kako biste generirali grafikone. | Details | |
The fonts file %s was not found in <limesurvey root folder>/fonts directory. Please, see the txt file for your language in fonts directory to generate the charts. Nije pronađena datoteka fontova %s u <limesurvey root folder>/fonts mapi. Molimo pogledajte txt datoteku svog jezika u direktoriju fontova kako biste generirali grafikone.
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Export participants to CSV | Izvoz ispitanika u CSV | Details | |
Database creation | Izrada baze podataka | Details | |
Zulu | Zulu | Details | |
%s responses cannot be inserted or updated. | %s odgovora ne mogu biti umetnuti ili ažurirani. | Details | |
%s responses cannot be inserted or updated. %s odgovora ne mogu biti umetnuti ili ažurirani.
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%s responses were updated. | %s odgovora je ažurirano. | Details | |
%s responses were inserted. | %s odgovora je umetnuto. | Details | |
No response lines in your file. | Ne postoji niti jedna linija u datoteci. | Details | |
No response lines in your file. Ne postoji niti jedna linija u datoteci.
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%s response lines in your file. | %s linija odgovora u vašoj datoteci. | Details | |
%s response lines in your file. %s linija odgovora u vašoj datoteci.
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Import failed: No answers could be mapped. | Uvoz nije uspio: nema odgovora. | Details | |
Import failed: No answers could be mapped. Uvoz nije uspio: nema odgovora.
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Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey. | Uvoz nije uspio: zatražen je prisilni uvoz, ali ulazna datoteka ne sadrži dovoljno stupaca za ispunjavanje upitnika. | Details | |
Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey. Uvoz nije uspio: zatražen je prisilni uvoz, ali ulazna datoteka ne sadrži dovoljno stupaca za ispunjavanje upitnika.
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File seems empty or has only one line | Datoteka se čini praznom ili ima samo jedan redak | Details | |
File seems empty or has only one line Datoteka se čini praznom ili ima samo jedan redak
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Could not delete subquestion | Nije moguće spremiti potpitanje | Details | |
Could not delete subquestion Nije moguće spremiti potpitanje
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