Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
(none) | (nijedan) | Details | |
Answer must be between %s and %s | Odgovor mora biti između %s i %s | Details | |
Answer must be between %s and %s Odgovor mora biti između %s i %s
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Answer must be %s | Odgovor mora biti %s | Details | |
Answer must be less or equal to %s | Odgovor mora biti manji ili jednak %s | Details | |
Answer must be less or equal to %s Odgovor mora biti manji ili jednak %s
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Answer must be greater or equal to %s | Odgovor mora biti veći ili jednak %s | Details | |
Answer must be greater or equal to %s Odgovor mora biti veći ili jednak %s
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Title of subquestion %s was updated to %s. | Naslov potpitanja %s ažuriran je na %s. | Details | |
Title of subquestion %s was updated to %s. Naslov potpitanja %s ažuriran je na %s.
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Unlimited | Neograničen | Details | |
You did not answer to the security question. | Niste odgovorili na sigurnosno pitanje. | Details | |
You did not answer to the security question. Niste odgovorili na sigurnosno pitanje.
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Quick-add subquestion or answer items | Brzo dodajte stavke potpitanja ili odgovora | Details | |
Quick-add subquestion or answer items Brzo dodajte stavke potpitanja ili odgovora
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Please fill in %s answers | Ispunite %s odgovore | Details | |
Please fill in at most one answer | Molimo ispunite najviše jedan odgovor | Details | |
Please fill in at most one answer Molimo ispunite najviše jedan odgovor
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Please fill in at most %s answers | Ispunite najviše %s odgovora | Details | |
Please fill in at most %s answers Ispunite najviše %s odgovora
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Please fill in at least one answer | Ispunite barem jedan odgovor | Details | |
Please fill in at least one answer Ispunite barem jedan odgovor
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Please fill in at least %s answers | Ispunite najmanje %s odgovora | Details | |
Please fill in at least %s answers Ispunite najmanje %s odgovora
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Default attribute name: | Naziv zadanog atributa: | Details | |
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