Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. | Igotako fitxategiak gordetzeko behar den direktorioa ezin izan da sortu. Mesedez, berrikusi /upload/surveys direktorioaren baimenak. | Details | |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. Igotako fitxategiak gordetzeko behar den direktorioa ezin izan da sortu. Mesedez, berrikusi /upload/surveys direktorioaren baimenak.
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Database error | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Activate Survey | Aktibatu inkesta | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. | Galdera hau baldintzatuta dago, baina baldintza bere ondorengo galdera batean oinarritzen da. | Details | |
This question has a condition set, however the condition is based on a question that appears after it. Galdera hau baldintzatuta dago, baina baldintza bere ondorengo galdera batean oinarritzen da.
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This question requires a second answer set but none is set. | Galdera honi bigarren erantzun-aukera esleitu behar zaio, baina oraindik ez da sortu. | Details | |
This question requires a second answer set but none is set. Galdera honi bigarren erantzun-aukera esleitu behar zaio, baina oraindik ez da sortu.
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This question requires answers, but none are set. | Galdera honi erantzun-aukerak esleitu behar zaizkio, baina oraindik ez dira sortu. | Details | |
This question requires answers, but none are set. Galdera honi erantzun-aukerak esleitu behar zaizkio, baina oraindik ez dira sortu.
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This question does not have a question 'type' set. | Galdera honi ez zaio oraindik erantzun motarik ezarri. | Details | |
This question does not have a question 'type' set. Galdera honi ez zaio oraindik erantzun motarik ezarri.
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This group does not contain any question(s). | Talde honek ez du galderarik. | Details | |
This group does not contain any question(s). Talde honek ez du galderarik.
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Submit | Bidali | Details | |
Question index | Galderen aurkibidea | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. | Inkesta hau ez dago aktibatuta. Ezingo dituzu erantzunak gorde. | Details | |
This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses. Inkesta hau ez dago aktibatuta. Ezingo dituzu erantzunak gorde.
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One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. | Igotako fitxategi batek edo gehiagok ez dute baimendutako formatua edo tamaina. Ezin duzu aurrera egin fitxategi horiek baliodunak izan arte. | Details | |
One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid. Igotako fitxategi batek edo gehiagok ez dute baimendutako formatua edo tamaina. Ezin duzu aurrera egin fitxategi horiek baliodunak izan arte.
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One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid. | Galdera bat edo gehiago ez dira zuzen erantzun. Zuzen erantzun arte ezingo duzu aurrera egin. | Details | |
One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid. Galdera bat edo gehiago ez dira zuzen erantzun. Zuzen erantzun arte ezingo duzu aurrera egin.
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One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed. | Nahitaezko galdera bat edo gehiago ez dira erantzun. Erantzun arte ezingo duzu aurrera egin. | Details | |
One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed. Nahitaezko galdera bat edo gehiago ez dira erantzun. Erantzun arte ezingo duzu aurrera egin.
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There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey. | Ez dago galdera gehiago. Mesedez, sakatu <Bidali> botoia inkesta amaitzeko. | Details | |
There are no more questions. Please use the `Submit` button to finish this survey.
Warning: Expected <Submit>, got <Bidali>.
Ez dago galdera gehiago. Mesedez, sakatu <Bidali> botoia inkesta amaitzeko.
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