Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Blocklist participant for any new added survey once the global field is set: | Jarri parte-hartzailea zerrenda beltzean gehitutako beste edozein inkestatarako, eremu globala aukeratu ondoren: | Details | |
Blocklist participant for any new added survey once the global field is set: Jarri parte-hartzailea zerrenda beltzean gehitutako beste edozein inkestatarako, eremu globala aukeratu ondoren:
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Blocklist all current surveys for participant once the global field is set: | Jarri zerrenda beltzean uneko inkesta guztiak parte-hartzailearentzat, eremu globala aukeratu ondoren: | Details | |
Blocklist all current surveys for participant once the global field is set: Jarri zerrenda beltzean uneko inkesta guztiak parte-hartzailearentzat, eremu globala aukeratu ondoren:
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Blocklist settings | Zerrenda beltzaren konfigurazioa | Details | |
Loading... | Kargatzen... | Details | |
Reset | Garbitu | Details | |
Processing... | Prozesatzen... | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into an existing participant attribute listed below to import your data into it. | Arrastatu CSV eremu bat behean zerrendatutako parte-hartzaile baten atributu berri batera zure datuak hara inportatzeko. | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into an existing participant attribute listed below to import your data into it. Arrastatu CSV eremu bat behean zerrendatutako parte-hartzaile baten atributu berri batera zure datuak hara inportatzeko.
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Existing attribute | Lehendik dagoen atributua | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into this area to create a new participant attribute and import your data into it. | Arrastatu CSV eremu bat area honetara parte-hartzailearen atributu berri bat sortzeko eta zure datuak hara inportatzeko. | Details | |
Drop a CSV field into this area to create a new participant attribute and import your data into it. Arrastatu CSV eremu bat area honetara parte-hartzailearen atributu berri bat sortzeko eta zure datuak hara inportatzeko.
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Attributes to be created | Sortu beharreko atributuak | Details | |
The following additional fields were found in your CSV file. | Eremu gehigarri hauek aurkitu dira zure CSV fitxategian. | Details | |
The following additional fields were found in your CSV file. Eremu gehigarri hauek aurkitu dira zure CSV fitxategian.
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CSV field names | CSV eremuen izenak | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute. | Bakarrik CSV atributu bat lotzen zaio atributu nagusi bati | Details | |
Only one CSV attribute is mapped with central attribute. Bakarrik CSV atributu bat lotzen zaio atributu nagusi bati
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You have to pair this field with an existing attribute. | Eremu hau dagoen atributu bati lotu behar diozu. | Details | |
You have to pair this field with an existing attribute. Eremu hau dagoen atributu bati lotu behar diozu.
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Upload summary | Igotakoen laburpena | Details | |
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