Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Delete this subquestion | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Insert a new subquestion after this one | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Subquestion: | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Subquestion | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Edit subquestions | Editatu azpi-galderak | Details | |
Error: You are trying to use duplicate subquestion codes. | Errorea: bikoiztutako azpi-galderen kodeak erabiltzen saiatzen ari zara | Details | |
Error: You are trying to use duplicate subquestion codes. Errorea: bikoiztutako azpi-galderen kodeak erabiltzen saiatzen ari zara
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You need to add subquestions to this question. | Azpi-galderak gehitu behar dizkiozu galdera honi | Details | |
You need to add subquestions to this question. Azpi-galderak gehitu behar dizkiozu galdera honi
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You need to add answer options to this question. | Erantzun-aukerak gehitu behar dizkiozu galdera honi | Details | |
You need to add answer options to this question. Erantzun-aukerak gehitu behar dizkiozu galdera honi
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Type: | Mota: | Details | |
Optional Question | Aukerazko galdera | Details | |
Mandatory Question | Nahitaezko galdera | Details | |
You can not delete a question if the survey is active. | Galdera ezin da kopiatu inkesta aktibatuta badago. | Details | |
You can not delete a question if the survey is active. Galdera ezin da kopiatu inkesta aktibatuta badago.
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Deleting will also delete any answer options and subquestions it includes. Are you sure you want to continue? | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Deleting will also delete any answer options and subquestions it includes. Are you sure you want to continue?
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Go to question | Joan galderara | Details | |
Question import is complete. | Burutu da galdera-inportazioa | Details | |
Question import is complete. Burutu da galdera-inportazioa
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