Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Only numbers may be entered in these fields. | In diese Felder dürfen nur Zahlen eingegeben werden. | Details | |
Only numbers may be entered in these fields. In diese Felder dürfen nur Zahlen eingegeben werden.
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Only answer the following question if: | Die folgende Frage nur beantworten wenn: | Details | |
Only answer the following question if: Die folgende Frage nur beantworten wenn:
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ISO 8859-13 Baltic (latin7) | ISO 8859-13 Baltisch (latin7) | Details | |
ISO 8859-13 Baltic (latin7) ISO 8859-13 Baltisch (latin7)
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ISO 8859-9 Turkish (latin5) | ISO 8859-9 Türkisch (latin5) | Details | |
ISO 8859-9 Turkish (latin5) ISO 8859-9 Türkisch (latin5)
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ISO 8859-2 Central European (latin2) | ISO 8859-2 Mitteleuropäisch (latin2) | Details | |
ISO 8859-2 Central European (latin2) ISO 8859-2 Mitteleuropäisch (latin2)
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ISO 8859-1 West European (latin1) | ISO 8859-1 Westeuropäisch (latin1) | Details | |
ISO 8859-1 West European (latin1) ISO 8859-1 Westeuropäisch (latin1)
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DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak (cp895) | DOS Kamenicky Tschechisch-Slovakisch (cp895) | Details | |
DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak (cp895) DOS Kamenicky Tschechisch-Slovakisch (cp895)
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Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows Japanese (cp932) | Windows-31J - SJIS für Windows Japanisch (cp932) | Details | |
Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows Japanese (cp932) Windows-31J - SJIS für Windows Japanisch (cp932)
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DOS Cyrillic (cp866) | DOS Russisch (cp866) | Details | |
DOS Central European (cp852) | DOS Mitteleuropäisch (cp852) | Details | |
DOS Central European (cp852) DOS Mitteleuropäisch (cp852)
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DOS West European (cp850) | DOS Westeuropäisch (cp850) | Details | |
Windows Baltic (Windows-1257) | Windows-Baltisch (Windows-1257) | Details | |
Windows Baltic (Windows-1257) Windows-Baltisch (Windows-1257)
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Windows Arabic (Windows-1256) | Windows-Arabisch (Windows-1256) | Details | |
Windows Arabic (Windows-1256) Windows-Arabisch (Windows-1256)
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Windows Cyrillic (Windows-1251) | Windows-Kyrillisch (Windows-1251) | Details | |
Windows Cyrillic (Windows-1251) Windows-Kyrillisch (Windows-1251)
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Windows Central European (Windows-1250) | Windows Zentraleuropäisch (Windows-1250) | Details | |
Windows Central European (Windows-1250) Windows Zentraleuropäisch (Windows-1250)
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