Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. | Uvozite lahko vse stare odzive, ki so kompatibilni s trenutno anketo. Kompatibilnost je določena s primerjavo tipov stolpcev in imen, polje ID pa je vedno ignorirano. | Details | |
You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. Uvozite lahko vse stare odzive, ki so kompatibilni s trenutno anketo. Kompatibilnost je določena s primerjavo tipov stolpcev in imen, polje ID pa je vedno ignorirano.
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Import responses | Uvozi odzive | Details | |
Authentication method | Metoda overjanja | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions | Neomejene administratorske pravice | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions Neomejene administratorske pravice
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Superadministrator | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje udeležencev v osrednji podatkovni bazi udeležencev (za katero so samodejno podana vsa dovoljenja) ter ogled, posodobitev in izbris udeležencev drugih uporabnikov | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje udeležencev v osrednji podatkovni bazi udeležencev (za katero so samodejno podana vsa dovoljenja) ter ogled, posodobitev in izbris udeležencev drugih uporabnikov
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Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins | Dovoljenje za ogled in posodobitev splošnih nastavitev in vtičnikov ter za brisanje in uvoz vtičnikov | Details | |
Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins Dovoljenje za ogled in posodobitev splošnih nastavitev in vtičnikov ter za brisanje in uvoz vtičnikov
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Settings & Plugins | Nastavitve & Vtičniki | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje, spreminjanje, brisanje, izvoz in uvoz seznama odgovorov/seznamov | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje, spreminjanje, brisanje, izvoz in uvoz seznama odgovorov/seznamov
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Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import themes | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import themes
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Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups
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Permission to create, view, update and delete users | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje anket (za katere so samodejno podana vsa dovoljenja) ter ogled, posodobitev in izbris anket drugih uporabnikov | Details | |
Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje anket (za katere so samodejno podana vsa dovoljenja) ter ogled, posodobitev in izbris anket drugih uporabnikov
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Section | Sekcija | Details | |
If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. | Če ste uporabili identifikacijski žeton za dostop do te ankete, bodite prepričani, da ta žeton ne bo shranjen skupaj z vašimi odgovori. Upravlja se v ločeni bazi podatkov in bo posodobljen le, da bo pokazal, ali ste to raziskavo dokončali ali ne. Ni nobenega načina ujemanja identifikacijskih žetonov z odgovori. | Details | |
If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. Če ste uporabili identifikacijski žeton za dostop do te ankete, bodite prepričani, da ta žeton ne bo shranjen skupaj z vašimi odgovori. Upravlja se v ločeni bazi podatkov in bo posodobljen le, da bo pokazal, ali ste to raziskavo dokončali ali ne. Ni nobenega načina ujemanja identifikacijskih žetonov z odgovori.
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