Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Sorry, there was an error uploading your file. | Nažalost, došlo je do pogreške prilikom učitavanja datoteke. | Details | |
Sorry, there was an error uploading your file. Nažalost, došlo je do pogreške prilikom učitavanja datoteke.
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We are sorry but there was a system error and your file was not saved. An email has been dispatched to notify the survey administrator. | Nažalost, došlo je do pogreške sustava i vaša datoteka nije spremljena. Poruka e-pošte poslana je da obavijesti administratora upitnika. | Details | |
We are sorry but there was a system error and your file was not saved. An email has been dispatched to notify the survey administrator. Nažalost, došlo je do pogreške sustava i vaša datoteka nije spremljena. Poruka e-pošte poslana je da obavijesti administratora upitnika.
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The file has been successfully uploaded. | Datoteka je uspješno prenesena. | Details | |
The file has been successfully uploaded. Datoteka je uspješno prenesena.
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Sorry, this file is too large. Only files upto %s KB are allowed. | Nažalost, ova je datoteka prevelika. Dopuštene su samo datoteke do %s KB. | Details | |
Sorry, this file is too large. Only files upto %s KB are allowed. Nažalost, ova je datoteka prevelika. Dopuštene su samo datoteke do %s KB.
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Sorry, this file extension (%s) is not allowed! | Žao nam je, ovaj tip datoteke (%s) nije dozvoljen! | Details | |
Sorry, this file extension (%s) is not allowed! Žao nam je, ovaj tip datoteke (%s) nije dozvoljen!
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Oops, There was an error deleting the file | Ups, Došlo je do pogreške prilikom brisanja datoteke | Details | |
Oops, There was an error deleting the file Ups, Došlo je do pogreške prilikom brisanja datoteke
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File %s deleted | Datoteka %s je izbrisana | Details | |
Completed | Dovršeno | Details | |
An email has been sent to the address you provided with access details for this survey. Please follow the link in that email to proceed. | Poslana je poruka na e-mail adresu koji ste unijeli sa detaljima za pristup ovom upitniku. | Details | |
An email has been sent to the address you provided with access details for this survey. Please follow the link in that email to proceed. Poslana je poruka na e-mail adresu koji ste unijeli sa detaljima za pristup ovom upitniku.
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Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. | Hvala Vam na registraciji za sudjelovanje u ovom upitniku. | Details | |
Thank you for registering to participate in this survey. Hvala Vam na registraciji za sudjelovanje u ovom upitniku.
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%s cannot be left empty | %s ne može biti prazno | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. | E-mail koji ste koristili nije ispravan. Probajte ponovno kasnije. | Details | |
The email you used is not valid. Please try again. E-mail koji ste koristili nije ispravan. Probajte ponovno kasnije.
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The answer to the security question is incorrect. | Odgovor na sigurnosno pitanje nije točan. | Details | |
The answer to the security question is incorrect. Odgovor na sigurnosno pitanje nije točan.
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Your answer | Tvoj odgovor | Details | |
Question | Pitanje | Details | |
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