Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Are you sure you want to delete this entry? | Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj zapis? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this entry? Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj zapis?
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Username | Korisničko ime | Details | |
Edit permissions | Uredi dozvole | Details | |
Full name | Puno ime i prezime | Details | |
User group | Korisnička skupina | Details | |
Survey permissions | Dozvole upitnika | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title | Upitnik nije moguće stvoriti jer nije naveden naslov upitnika | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title Upitnik nije moguće stvoriti jer nije naveden naslov upitnika
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The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. | Istraživanje je uspješno isteklo postavljanjem datuma isteka u postavkama upitnika. | Details | |
The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. Istraživanje je uspješno isteklo postavljanjem datuma isteka u postavkama upitnika.
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The new question group/question order was successfully saved. | Nova skupina pitanja/poredak pitanja uspješno je spremljeno. | Details | |
The new question group/question order was successfully saved. Nova skupina pitanja/poredak pitanja uspješno je spremljeno.
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No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey | Niti jedan ID upitnika nije dan. Nije moguće kopirati upitnik | Details | |
No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey Niti jedan ID upitnika nije dan. Nije moguće kopirati upitnik
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Survey copy summary | Kopiranje sažetka upitnika | Details | |
Copy survey | Kopiranje upitnika | Details | |
Survey structure import summary | Sažetak uvoza strukture upitnika | Details | |
Survey structure import summary Sažetak uvoza strukture upitnika
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Import survey data | Uvoz podataka upitnika | Details | |
Survey deleted. | Upitnik je izbrisan. | Details | |
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