Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Default: | Zadano: | Details | |
Text [Help] (Tip) | Tekst [Pomoć] (Savjet) | Details | |
Name [ID] | Naziv [ID] | Details | |
Invalid question - probably missing subquestions or language-specific settings for language %s | Nevažeće pitanje - vjerojatno nedostaju potpitanja ili postavke specifične za jezik %s | Details | |
Invalid question - probably missing subquestions or language-specific settings for language %s Nevažeće pitanje - vjerojatno nedostaju potpitanja ili postavke specifične za jezik %s
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Please rank all items. | Poredajte sve stavke. | Details | |
Please check at least one box per row. | Odaberite najmanje jedan kučicu po retku. | Details | |
Please check at least one box per row. Odaberite najmanje jedan kučicu po retku.
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Please complete all parts. | Molim da popunite sve dijelove pitanja. | Details | |
Please complete all parts. Molim da popunite sve dijelove pitanja.
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This question is mandatory | Ovo pitanje je obavezno | Details | |
Unable to insert record into survey table | Nije moguće umetnuti zapis u tablicu upitnika | Details | |
Unable to insert record into survey table Nije moguće umetnuti zapis u tablicu upitnika
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Please check the format of your answer. | Molimo provjerite ispravnost oblika Vašeg odgovora. | Details | |
Please check the format of your answer. Molimo provjerite ispravnost oblika Vašeg odgovora.
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The sum must equal %s. | Suma mora biti jednaka %s. | Details | |
The sum must be between %s and %s | Zbroj mora biti između %s i %s | Details | |
The sum must be between %s and %s Zbroj mora biti između %s i %s
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The sum must equal %s | Zbroj mora biti jednak %s | Details | |
The sum must be at most %s | Zbroj mora biti najviše %s | Details | |
The sum must be at least %s | Zbroj mora biti najviše %s | Details | |
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