Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. | Raspoloživo vrijeme uskoro će isteći. Ostalo je još {TIME}. | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. Raspoloživo vrijeme uskoro će isteći. Ostalo je još {TIME}.
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Time remaining | Preostalo vremena | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired | Raspoloživo vrijeme za odgovor na pitanje je isteklo | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired Raspoloživo vrijeme za odgovor na pitanje je isteklo
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One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed | Jedno ili više datoteka su ili prešle maksimalnu veličinu/nisu u dobrom formatu ili najmanji broj datoteka njie učitan. Ne možete nastaviti dok ovi uvjeti nisu ispunjeni | Details | |
One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed Jedno ili više datoteka su ili prešle maksimalnu veličinu/nisu u dobrom formatu ili najmanji broj datoteka njie učitan. Ne možete nastaviti dok ovi uvjeti nisu ispunjeni
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You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. | Nije moguće nastaviti dok ne unesete odgovor na jedno ili više pitanja. | Details | |
You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. Nije moguće nastaviti dok ne unesete odgovor na jedno ili više pitanja.
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Choose your language | Izaberite svoj jezik | Details | |
Choose one of the following answers | Izaberite jedan od ponuđenih odgovora | Details | |
Choose one of the following answers Izaberite jedan od ponuđenih odgovora
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Next | Sljedeće | Details | |
Previous | Prethodno | Details | |
Please confirm the access code by answering the security question below and click continue. | Molim potvrdite pristupni kôd tako da odgovorite na sigurnosno pitanje. | Details | |
Please confirm the access code by answering the security question below and click continue. Molim potvrdite pristupni kôd tako da odgovorite na sigurnosno pitanje.
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The access code you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used. | Pristupni kôd koji ste unijeli nije ispravan ili je već iskorišten. | Details | |
The access code you have provided is either not valid, or has already been used. Pristupni kôd koji ste unijeli nije ispravan ili je već iskorišten.
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If you have been issued an access code, please enter it in the box below and click continue. | Ako posjedujete pristupni kôd, molimo unesite ga u polje ispod i izaberite nastavak. | Details | |
If you have been issued an access code, please enter it in the box below and click continue. Ako posjedujete pristupni kôd, molimo unesite ga u polje ispod i izaberite nastavak.
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Security question: | Sigurnosno pitanje: | Details | |
Try to submit again | Pokušajte poslati ponovno | Details | |
Error saving results | Greška pri snimanju rezultata | Details | |
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