Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required. | Da biste ostali anonimni, upotrijebite pseudonim kao svoje korisničko ime, također adresa e-pošte nije zahtijevana. | Details | |
To remain anonymous please use a pseudonym as your username, also an email address is not required. Da biste ostali anonimni, upotrijebite pseudonim kao svoje korisničko ime, također adresa e-pošte nije zahtijevana.
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Restart this survey | Pokrenite upitnik ispočetka | Details | |
Resume later | Nastavi kasnije | Details | |
There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey. | Postoji {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} pitanja u ovom upitniku. | Details | |
There are {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} questions in this survey. Postoji {NUMBEROFQUESTIONS} pitanja u ovom upitniku.
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There is 1 question in this survey | Postoji 1 pitanje u ovom upitniku | Details | |
There is 1 question in this survey Postoji 1 pitanje u ovom upitniku
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There are no questions in this survey | Nema pitanja u ovom upitniku | Details | |
There are no questions in this survey Nema pitanja u ovom upitniku
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Error: There are no answers defined for this question. | Greška: Nema definiranih odgovora u ovom pitanju. | Details | |
Error: There are no answers defined for this question. Greška: Nema definiranih odgovora u ovom pitanju.
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Error: There are no answer options for this question and/or they don't exist in this language. | Greška: Nema opcija odgovora za ovo pitanje i/ili one ne postoje za ovaj jezik. | Details | |
Error: There are no answer options for this question and/or they don't exist in this language. Greška: Nema opcija odgovora za ovo pitanje i/ili one ne postoje za ovaj jezik.
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Drag and drop the pin to the desired location. You may also right click on the map to move the pin. | Povucite i ispustite pin na željeno mjesto. Također možete kliknuti desnom tipkom miša na kartu da biste premjestili pin. | Details | |
Drag and drop the pin to the desired location. You may also right click on the map to move the pin. Povucite i ispustite pin na željeno mjesto. Također možete kliknuti desnom tipkom miša na kartu da biste premjestili pin.
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Error: This question has no answers. | Greška: Ovo pitanje nema odgovora. | Details | |
Error: This question has no answers. Greška: Ovo pitanje nema odgovora.
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File name | Naziv datoteke | Details | |
Return to survey | Povratak na upitnik | Details | |
Upload your files | Učitaj datoteka | Details | |
Please enter your comment here | Upišite dodatni komentar ako smatrate potrebnim | Details | |
Please enter your comment here Upišite dodatni komentar ako smatrate potrebnim
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Format: %s | Format: %s | Details | |
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