Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Character set of the file: | Set karaktera sadržaja datoteke: | Details | |
Character set of the file: Set karaktera sadržaja datoteke:
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Import as not finalized answers? | Importiraj kao nezavršene odgovore? | Details | |
Import as not finalized answers? Importiraj kao nezavršene odgovore?
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Replace the existing record. | Zamjeni postojeći zapis. | Details | |
Renumber the new record. | Promjeni broj novom zapisu. | Details | |
Report and skip the new record. | Prijavi grešku i idi na novi zapis. | Details | |
Report and skip the new record. Prijavi grešku i idi na novi zapis.
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When an imported record matches an existing record ID: | Kada se uvezeni zapis poklapa sa postojećim ID-jem: | Details | |
When an imported record matches an existing record ID: Kada se uvezeni zapis poklapa sa postojećim ID-jem:
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Exclude record IDs? | Isključiti ID zapisa? | Details | |
Browse saved responses | Pregledajte spremljene odgovore | Details | |
View this record | Pogledajte ovaj zapis | Details | |
Add another record | Dodaj još jedan zapis | Details | |
The entry was assigned the following record id: | Unosu je dodijeljen sljedeći ID: | Details | |
The entry was assigned the following record id: Unosu je dodijeljen sljedeći ID:
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Record Deleted | Zapis obrisan | Details | |
Viewing response (ID %s) | Prikaz odgovora (ID %s) | Details | |
Editing response (ID %s) | Uređivanje odgovora (ID %s) | Details | |
Help about this question | Pomoć za ovo pitanje | Details | |
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