Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Make these mappings automatic in future | Napravite takve mape automatskim u budućnosti | Details | |
Make these mappings automatic in future Napravite takve mape automatskim u budućnosti
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Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? | Prebrisati postojeće vrijednosti atributa ako već postoji ispitanik? | Details | |
Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? Prebrisati postojeće vrijednosti atributa ako već postoji ispitanik?
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Existing participant attributes | Postojeći atributi ispitanika | Details | |
Existing participant attributes Postojeći atributi ispitanika
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Participant attributes to create | Atributi ispitanika za izradu | Details | |
Participant attributes to create Atributi ispitanika za izradu
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Drag this attribute to another column to map it to the central participants database | Povucite ovaj atribut u drugi stupac da biste ga mapirali u središnju bazu ispitanika | Details | |
Drag this attribute to another column to map it to the central participants database Povucite ovaj atribut u drugi stupac da biste ga mapirali u središnju bazu ispitanika
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Map your survey participant attributes to an existing participant attribute or create a new one | Mapirajte atribute ispitanika upitnika na postojeće atribute ispitanika ili izradite nove | Details | |
Map your survey participant attributes to an existing participant attribute or create a new one Mapirajte atribute ispitanika upitnika na postojeće atribute ispitanika ili izradite nove
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Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a duplicate participant is found? | Prepisati postojeće vrijednosti atributa ispitanika ako se pronađe duplikat ispitanika? | Details | |
Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a duplicate participant is found? Prepisati postojeće vrijednosti atributa ispitanika ako se pronađe duplikat ispitanika?
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XML-RPC | XML-RPC | Details | |
JSON-RPC | JSON-RPC | Details | |
RPC interface enabled: | RPC sučelje omogućeno: | Details | |
File extension: | Ekstenzija datoteke: | Details | |
Export survey | Izvoz upitnika | Details | |
Full answers | Potpuni odgovori | Details | |
Answer codes | Kôdovi odgovora | Details | |
Full question text | Puni tekst pitanja | Details | |
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