Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
They were found to be duplicate using the participant id field | Utvrđeno da su duplikati pomoću polja ID ispitanika | Details | |
They were found to be duplicate using the participant id field Utvrđeno da su duplikati pomoću polja ID ispitanika
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%s records were duplicate but had attributes updated | %s zapisa su duplikati, ali su njihovi atributi ažurirani | Details | |
%s records were duplicate but had attributes updated %s zapisa su duplikati, ali su njihovi atributi ažurirani
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%s new participants were created | Stvoreno je %s novih ispitanika | Details | |
%s new participants were created Stvoreno je %s novih ispitanika
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%s records found in CSV file | %s zapisa pronađenih u CSV datoteci | Details | |
%s records found in CSV file %s zapisa pronađenih u CSV datoteci
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No new participants were created | Nisu stvoreni novi ispitanici | Details | |
No new participants were created Nisu stvoreni novi ispitanici
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Can edit? | Može li uređivati? | Details | |
Submitted | Poslano | Details | |
Last invited | Posljednji poziv | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped | Napomena: Standardna polja ispitanika ne mogu se automatski mapirati | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped Napomena: Standardna polja ispitanika ne mogu se automatski mapirati
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Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? | Prebrisati postojeće standardne vrijednosti polja ako ispitanik već postoji? | Details | |
Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? Prebrisati postojeće standardne vrijednosti polja ako ispitanik već postoji?
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Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? | Prepisati postojeće vrijednosti auto-mapiranih atributa ako ispitanik već postoji? | Details | |
Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? Prepisati postojeće vrijednosti auto-mapiranih atributa ako ispitanik već postoji?
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Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a participant already exists? | Želite li prepisati preko postojećih vrijednosti atributa ispitanika ako on već postoji? | Details | |
Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a participant already exists? Želite li prepisati preko postojećih vrijednosti atributa ispitanika ako on već postoji?
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Unmapped participant attributes | Nemapirani atributi ispitanika | Details | |
Unmapped participant attributes Nemapirani atributi ispitanika
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This attribute is automatically mapped | Ovaj atribut automatski se mapira | Details | |
This attribute is automatically mapped Ovaj atribut automatski se mapira
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Pre-mapped attributes | Unaprijed mapirani atributi | Details | |
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