Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You should note the name(s) of the table(s) in case you need to access this information later. | Zabilježite nazive tablica u slučaju da kasnije trebate pristupiti tim podacima. | Details | |
You should note the name(s) of the table(s) in case you need to access this information later. Zabilježite nazive tablica u slučaju da kasnije trebate pristupiti tim podacima.
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The response timings table has been renamed to: %s | Tablica vremena odgovora preimenovana je u: %s | Details | |
The response timings table has been renamed to: %s Tablica vremena odgovora preimenovana je u: %s
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Continue? | Nastaviti? | Details | |
New scenario number: | Broj novog scenarija: | Details | |
This question has missing subquestions. | Ovom pitanju nedostaju potpitanja. | Details | |
This question has missing subquestions. Ovom pitanju nedostaju potpitanja.
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If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. | Ako baza podataka još ne postoji, bit će stvorena (pobrinite se da vaš korisnik baze podataka ima potrebne dozvole). Nasuprot tome, ako postoje postojeće LimeSurvey tablice u toj bazi, oni će se nadograditi automatski nakon instalacije. | Details | |
If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. Ako baza podataka još ne postoji, bit će stvorena (pobrinite se da vaš korisnik baze podataka ima potrebne dozvole). Nasuprot tome, ako postoje postojeće LimeSurvey tablice u toj bazi, oni će se nadograditi automatski nakon instalacije.
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By question group | Po skupini pitanja | Details | |
Regenerate question codes | Obnovite kôdove pitanja | Details | |
Question codes were successfully regenerated. | Kôdovi pitanja uspješno su obnovljeni. | Details | |
Question codes were successfully regenerated. Kôdovi pitanja uspješno su obnovljeni.
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Minute | Minuta | Details | |
Hour | Sati | Details | |
Start bounce processing | Započni obradu odbijenih poruka | Details | |
Start bounce processing Započni obradu odbijenih poruka
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Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. | Obrada odbijenih poruka je onemogućena ili u cijeloj aplikaciji ili samo za ovaj upitnik. | Details | |
Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. Obrada odbijenih poruka je onemogućena ili u cijeloj aplikaciji ili samo za ovaj upitnik.
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Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique | Vraća istinito ako su svi ne prazni odgovori jedinstveni | Details | |
Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique Vraća istinito ako su svi ne prazni odgovori jedinstveni
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Show text responses inline: | Prikaz teksta odgovora u retku: | Details | |
Show text responses inline: Prikaz teksta odgovora u retku:
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