Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Automatic (UTF-8) | Automatski (UTF-8) | Details | |
Replace answers in file in the existing record. | Zamijenite odgovore u datoteci u postojećem zapisu. | Details | |
Replace answers in file in the existing record. Zamijenite odgovore u datoteci u postojećem zapisu.
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Question is added to target (result is set to database default value). | Pitanje je dodano cilju (rezultat je postavljen na zadanu vrijednost baze podataka). | Details | |
Question is added to target (result is set to database default value). Pitanje je dodano cilju (rezultat je postavljen na zadanu vrijednost baze podataka).
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Question is removed from target (result is ignored). | Pitanje je uklonjeno iz cilja (rezultat se zanemaruje). | Details | |
Question is removed from target (result is ignored). Pitanje je uklonjeno iz cilja (rezultat se zanemaruje).
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Question is moved to another group (result is imported correctly). | Pitanje je premješteno u drugu podskupinu (rezultat je ispravno uvezen). | Details | |
Question is moved to another group (result is imported correctly). Pitanje je premješteno u drugu podskupinu (rezultat je ispravno uvezen).
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Currently we detect and handle the following changes: | Trenutno otkrivamo i rješavamo sljedeće promjene: | Details | |
Currently we detect and handle the following changes: Trenutno otkrivamo i rješavamo sljedeće promjene:
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Using type coercion may break your data; use with care or not at all if possible. | Upotreba prisile tipa može uništiti vaše podatke; koristiti s pažnjom ili uopće ne, ako je moguće. | Details | |
Using type coercion may break your data; use with care or not at all if possible. Upotreba prisile tipa može uništiti vaše podatke; koristiti s pažnjom ili uopće ne, ako je moguće.
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You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. | Možete uvesti sve stare odgovore koji su kompatibilni s vašim trenutnim upitnikom. Kompatibilnost se određuje usporedbom vrsta i naziva stupaca, ID polje se uvijek zanemaruje. | Details | |
You can import all old responses that are compatible with your current survey. Compatibility is determined by comparing column types and names, the ID field is always ignored. Možete uvesti sve stare odgovore koji su kompatibilni s vašim trenutnim upitnikom. Kompatibilnost se određuje usporedbom vrsta i naziva stupaca, ID polje se uvijek zanemaruje.
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Import responses | Uvoz odgovora | Details | |
Authentication method | Metoda provjere autentičnosti | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions | Neograničene administrativne dozvole | Details | |
Unlimited administration permissions Neograničene administrativne dozvole
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Superadministrator | Superadministrator | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users | Dozvola za stvaranje ispitanika u središnjoj bazi podataka ispitanika (za koje su automatski dodijeljene sve dozvole) te pregled, ažuriranje i brisanje ispitanika od drugih korisnika | Details | |
Permission to create participants in the central participants database (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete participants from other users Dozvola za stvaranje ispitanika u središnjoj bazi podataka ispitanika (za koje su automatski dodijeljene sve dozvole) te pregled, ažuriranje i brisanje ispitanika od drugih korisnika
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Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins | Dozvola za pregledavanje i ažuriranje globalnih postavki i dodataka te za brisanje i uvoz dodataka | Details | |
Permission to view and update global settings & plugins and to delete and import plugins Dozvola za pregledavanje i ažuriranje globalnih postavki i dodataka te za brisanje i uvoz dodataka
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Settings & Plugins | Postavke i dodatci | Details | |
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