Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels | Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje, brisanje, izvoz i uvoz skupova oznaka i oznaka | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import label sets/labels Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje, brisanje, izvoz i uvoz skupova oznaka i oznaka
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Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import themes | Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje, brisanje, izvoz i uvoz predložaka | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete, export and import themes Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje, brisanje, izvoz i uvoz predložaka
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Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups | Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje i brisanje korisničkih skupina | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update and delete user groups Dozvola za stvaranje, pregled, ažuriranje i brisanje korisničkih skupina
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Permission to create, view, update and delete users | Dozvola za stvaranje, prikaz, ažuriranje i brisanje korisnika | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update and delete users Dozvola za stvaranje, prikaz, ažuriranje i brisanje korisnika
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Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users | Dozvola za izradu upitnika (za koje se automatski dozvoljavaju sve dozvole) i pregledavanje, ažuriranje i brisanje upitnika od drugih korisnika | Details | |
Permission to create surveys (for which all permissions are automatically given) and view, update and delete surveys from other users Dozvola za izradu upitnika (za koje se automatski dozvoljavaju sve dozvole) i pregledavanje, ažuriranje i brisanje upitnika od drugih korisnika
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Section | Odjeljak | Details | |
If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. | Ukoliko koristite indentifikacijski pristupni kôd za pristup ovom upitniku, budite sigurni da isti neće biti spremljen zajedno sa Vašim odgovorima. Pristupni kôdovi se spremaju u zasebnu bazu podataka i biti će ažurirani s podatkom jeste ili niste završili ispunjavanje upitnika. Ne postoji način za uspoređivanje pristupnih kôdova s danim odgovorima. | Details | |
If you used an identifying access code to access this survey, please rest assured that this code will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification access codes with survey responses. Ukoliko koristite indentifikacijski pristupni kôd za pristup ovom upitniku, budite sigurni da isti neće biti spremljen zajedno sa Vašim odgovorima. Pristupni kôdovi se spremaju u zasebnu bazu podataka i biti će ažurirani s podatkom jeste ili niste završili ispunjavanje upitnika. Ne postoji način za uspoređivanje pristupnih kôdova s danim odgovorima.
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The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. | Zapisi Vaših odgovora ne sadrže informacije preko kojih bi Vas se moglo identificirati, osim ukoliko se to izričito ne traži u upitniku. | Details | |
The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it. Zapisi Vaših odgovora ne sadrže informacije preko kojih bi Vas se moglo identificirati, osim ukoliko se to izričito ne traži u upitniku.
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A table with a subquestion on each row. You have to select your answer. | Tablica s potpitanjem u svakom retku. Morate odabrati svoj odgovor. | Details | |
A table with a subquestion on each row. You have to select your answer. Tablica s potpitanjem u svakom retku. Morate odabrati svoj odgovor.
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Choice of rank %s | Izbor ranga %s | Details | |
Please complete all parts of the date. | Molimo Vas da odaberete sve elemente datuma. | Details | |
Please complete all parts of the date. Molimo Vas da odaberete sve elemente datuma.
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Date entered is invalid! | Uneseni datum je pogrešnog formata! | Details | |
Date entered is invalid! Uneseni datum je pogrešnog formata!
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Change the language | Promijenite jezik | Details | |
Only numbers may be entered in '%s' accompanying text field. | U popratno polje %s mogu se unijeti samo brojevi. | Details | |
Only numbers may be entered in '%s' accompanying text field. U popratno polje %s mogu se unijeti samo brojevi.
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Comment your answers. | Komentirajte svoje odgovore. | Details | |
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