Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: | Galdera honi erantzuna emateko baldintza hauek beharrezkoak dira: | Details | |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: Galdera honi erantzuna emateko baldintza hauek beharrezkoak dira:
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Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): | Itzuli zure inkestara esteka honetan sakatuta (edo kopiatu eta itsatsi zure nabigatzailean): | Details | |
Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): Itzuli zure inkestara esteka honetan sakatuta (edo kopiatu eta itsatsi zure nabigatzailean):
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Password | Pasahitza | Details | |
Saved Survey Details | Gordetako inkestaren xehetasunak. | Details | |
Success | Ondo | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. | Inkestaren erantzunak ondo gorde dira. Egiaztapen-mezu bat bidali zaizu zure posta helbidera. Ez ahaztu eman zaizun pasahitza mesedez, ezin izango baita berreskuratu. | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. Inkestaren erantzunak ondo gorde dira. Egiaztapen-mezu bat bidali zaizu zure posta helbidera. Ez ahaztu eman zaizun pasahitza mesedez, ezin izango baita berreskuratu.
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Your passwords do not match. | Zure pasahitzak ez datoz bat. | Details | |
Your passwords do not match. Zure pasahitzak ez datoz bat.
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You must supply a password for this saved session. | Gordetako saio honi pasahitza eman behar diozu. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. Gordetako saio honi pasahitza eman behar diozu.
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You must supply a name for this saved session. | Gordetako saio honi izena eman behar diozu. | Details | |
You must supply a name for this saved session. Gordetako saio honi izena eman behar diozu.
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This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. | Inkesta honek erantzun anonimoak erabiltzen ditu. Ezin duzu zure erantzuna eguneratu. | Details | |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. Inkesta honek erantzun anonimoak erabiltzen ditu. Ezin duzu zure erantzuna eguneratu.
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Edit this entry | Erregistro hau editatu | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it | Esteka honetan sakatu eguneratzeko: | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it Esteka honetan sakatu eguneratzeko:
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There is already a recorded answer for this access code | Jadanik erregistratuta dago erabiltzaile honen erantzun bat. | Details | |
There is already a recorded answer for this access code Jadanik erregistratuta dago erabiltzaile honen erantzun bat.
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Please choose | Aukeratu, mesedez | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. | Fitxategia igotzean akats bat egon da. Baliteke zure %s direktorioaren baimenak desegokiak izatea. | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. Fitxategia igotzean akats bat egon da. Baliteke zure %s direktorioaren baimenak desegokiak izatea.
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