Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. | Ez da SIDik (Inkestarik) zehaztu. Galdera ezin izan da inportatu. | Details | |
No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. Ez da SIDik (Inkestarik) zehaztu. Galdera ezin izan da inportatu.
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Please choose no more than %s items. | Mesedez, ez aukeratu %s elementu baino gehiago. | Details | |
Please choose no more than %s items. Mesedez, ez aukeratu %s elementu baino gehiago.
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Please choose at least %s items. | Mesedez, aukeratu gutxienez %s elementu. | Details | |
Please choose at least %s items. Mesedez, aukeratu gutxienez %s elementu.
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Please choose the appropriate response for each item: | Sarrera bakoitzari dagokion erantzuna aukeratu, mesedez: | Details | |
Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Sarrera bakoitzari dagokion erantzuna aukeratu, mesedez:
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Please write your answer here: | Zure erantzuna hemen idatzi, mesedez: | Details | |
Please write your answer here: Zure erantzuna hemen idatzi, mesedez:
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Please write your answer(s) here: | Zure erantzuna(k) hemen idatzi, mesedez: | Details | |
Please write your answer(s) here: Zure erantzuna(k) hemen idatzi, mesedez:
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Please choose all that apply and provide a comment: | Dagozkion guztiak aukeratu eta iruzkina idatzi, mesedez: | Details | |
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment: Dagozkion guztiak aukeratu eta iruzkina idatzi, mesedez:
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Please choose *all* that apply: | Mesedez, aukeratu dagozkion *guztiak*: | Details | |
Please choose *all* that apply: Mesedez, aukeratu dagozkion *guztiak*:
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Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to | Mesedez, ordenatu laukiak zure lehentasunaren arabera 1etik hasita honaino: | Details | |
Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to Mesedez, ordenatu laukiak zure lehentasunaren arabera 1etik hasita honaino:
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Make a comment on your choice here: | Zure aukera hemen komentatu: | Details | |
Make a comment on your choice here: Zure aukera hemen komentatu:
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Please enter a date: | Mesedez, jarri data: | Details | |
Please choose *only one* of the following: | Mesedez, aukeratu hauetako *bat bakarrik*: | Details | |
Please choose *only one* of the following: Mesedez, aukeratu hauetako *bat bakarrik*:
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* | * | Details | |
Question code: | Galdera-kodea: | Details | |
ID: | ID: | Details | |
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