Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
User group | Erabiltzaile-taldea | Details | |
Survey permissions | Inkesta-baimenak | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title | Ezin izan da sortu inkesta, izenbururik ez zuelako. | Details | |
Survey could not be created because it did not have a title Ezin izan da sortu inkesta, izenbururik ez zuelako.
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The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. | Inkesta behar bezala iraungi da, iraungitze-data bat jarrita inkesta-ezarpenetan. | Details | |
The survey was successfully expired by setting an expiration date in the survey settings. Inkesta behar bezala iraungi da, iraungitze-data bat jarrita inkesta-ezarpenetan.
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The new question group/question order was successfully saved. | Galdera-taldeen/galderen hurrenkera berria behar bezala gorde da. | Details | |
The new question group/question order was successfully saved. Galdera-taldeen/galderen hurrenkera berria behar bezala gorde da.
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No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey | Ez da zehaztu inkesta-IDrik. Ezin duzu inkesta kopiatu. | Details | |
No survey ID has been provided. Cannot copy survey Ez da zehaztu inkesta-IDrik. Ezin duzu inkesta kopiatu.
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Survey copy summary | Inkesta-kopiaren laburpena. | Details | |
Copy survey | Kopiatu inkesta | Details | |
Survey structure import summary | Inkesta-egituraren inportazioaren laburpena. | Details | |
Survey structure import summary Inkesta-egituraren inportazioaren laburpena.
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Import survey data | Inkesta-inportazioko datuak. | Details | |
Survey deleted. | Ezabatu da inkesta. | Details | |
This survey is currently active. | Inkesta hau aktibatuta dago. | Details | |
This survey is currently active. Inkesta hau aktibatuta dago.
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You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. | Ez daukazu Freetype liburutegia instalatuta. Grafikoak erakusteko, nahitaezkoa da Freetype liburutegia. | Details | |
You do not have the Freetype Library installed. Showing charts requires the Freetype library to function properly. Ez daukazu Freetype liburutegia instalatuta. Grafikoak erakusteko, nahitaezkoa da Freetype liburutegia.
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visit for more information | Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, bisitatu | Details | |
visit for more information Informazio gehiago nahi izanez gero, bisitatu
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You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. | Ez daukazu GD liburutegia instalatuta. Grafikoak erakusteko, nahitaezkoa da GD liburutegia. | Details | |
You do not have the GD Library installed. Showing charts requires the GD library to function properly. Ez daukazu GD liburutegia instalatuta. Grafikoak erakusteko, nahitaezkoa da GD liburutegia.
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