Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The 2nd 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will not turn off if this setting is left blank) | 2. ‘Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu-mezua' honenbeste segundotan egongo da ikusgai (eta ez da itxiko parametro hau betetzen ez bada) | Details | |
The 2nd 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will not turn off if this setting is left blank) 2. ‘Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu-mezua' honenbeste segundotan egongo da ikusgai (eta ez da itxiko parametro hau betetzen ez bada)
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2nd time limit warning message timer | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 2. abisu-mezua | Details | |
2nd time limit warning message timer Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 2. abisu-mezua
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Display the 2nd 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds remaining in the countdown (warning will not display if left blank) | Erakutsi 2. 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisua’ atzerako kontaketan honenbeste segundo-kopuru geratzen denean (abisua ez da agertuko zuriz utziz gero) | Details | |
Display the 2nd 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds remaining in the countdown (warning will not display if left blank) Erakutsi 2. 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisua’ atzerako kontaketan honenbeste segundo-kopuru geratzen denean (abisua ez da agertuko zuriz utziz gero)
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1st time limit warning CSS style | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisuaren CSS estiloa | Details | |
1st time limit warning CSS style Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisuaren CSS estiloa
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CSS style used when the 'time limit warning' message is displayed | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezua erakusten denean erabiliko den CSS estiloa | Details | |
CSS style used when the 'time limit warning' message is displayed Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezua erakusten denean erabiliko den CSS estiloa
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1st time limit warning message | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua | Details | |
1st time limit warning message Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua
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The message to display as a 'time limit warning' (a default warning will display if this is left blank) | 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu'-rako erakutsiko den mezua (lehenetsitako abisu-mezu bat erakutsiko da parametro hau betetzen ez bada) | Details | |
The message to display as a 'time limit warning' (a default warning will display if this is left blank) 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu'-rako erakutsiko den mezua (lehenetsitako abisu-mezu bat erakutsiko da parametro hau betetzen ez bada)
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1st time limit warning message display time | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua zenbat denboratan ikusiko den | Details | |
1st time limit warning message display time Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua zenbat denboratan ikusiko den
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The 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will not turn off if this setting is left blank) | 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu-mezua' honenbeste segundotan egongo da ikusgai (eta ez da itxiko parametro hau betetzen ez bada) | Details | |
The 'time limit warning' will stay visible for this many seconds (will not turn off if this setting is left blank) 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren abisu-mezua' honenbeste segundotan egongo da ikusgai (eta ez da itxiko parametro hau betetzen ez bada)
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1st time limit warning message timer | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua | Details | |
1st time limit warning message timer Denbora-mugaren amaieraren 1. abisu-mezua
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Display a 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds remaining in the countdown (warning will not display if left blank) | Erakutsi 'Denbora-mugaren abisua’ atzerako kontaketan honenbeste segundo-kopuru geratzen denean (abisua ez da agertuko hutsik utziz gero) | Details | |
Display a 'time limit warning' when there are this many seconds remaining in the countdown (warning will not display if left blank) Erakutsi 'Denbora-mugaren abisua’ atzerako kontaketan honenbeste segundo-kopuru geratzen denean (abisua ez da agertuko hutsik utziz gero)
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Time limit message CSS style | CSS estiloa, denbora-mugaren mezurako | Details | |
Time limit message CSS style CSS estiloa, denbora-mugaren mezurako
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CSS style for the 'time limit expiry message' | CSS estiloa, 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezu’-rako | Details | |
CSS style for the 'time limit expiry message' CSS estiloa, 'Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezu’-rako
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Time limit expiry message | Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezua | Details | |
Time limit expiry message Denbora-mugaren amaieraren mezua
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The message to display when the time limit has expired (a default message will display if this setting is left blank) | Denbora-muga amaitzean erakutsiko den mezua (lehenetsitako mezu bat agertuko da parametro hau betetzen ez bada) | Details | |
The message to display when the time limit has expired (a default message will display if this setting is left blank) Denbora-muga amaitzean erakutsiko den mezua (lehenetsitako mezu bat agertuko da parametro hau betetzen ez bada)
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