Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Get value of pi | Lortu pi-ren balioa | Details | |
Format a number with grouped thousands | Formatua eman milakoen bereizlea duen zenbaki bati | Details | |
Format a number with grouped thousands Formatua eman milakoen bereizlea duen zenbaki bati
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Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string | HTML lerro-jauziak txertatzen ditu lerro-hasiera bakoitzaren aurretik karaktere-kate batean | Details | |
Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string HTML lerro-jauziak txertatzen ditu lerro-hasiera bakoitzaren aurretik karaktere-kate batean
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Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional) | Lortu data baten UNIX denbora-marka (6 argumentuetako bakoitza aukerakoa da) | Details | |
Get UNIX timestamp for a date (each of the 6 arguments are optional) Lortu data baten UNIX denbora-marka (6 argumentuetako bakoitza aukerakoa da)
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Find lowest value | Aurkitu baliorik baxuena | Details | |
Find highest value | Aurkitu baliorik altuena | Details | |
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string | Ezabatu zuriuneak (edo beste karaktere batzuk) karaktere-kate baten hasieratik | Details | |
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string Ezabatu zuriuneak (edo beste karaktere batzuk) karaktere-kate baten hasieratik
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Return comma-separated list of values | Itzuli komaz bereizitako balio-zerrenda bat | Details | |
Return comma-separated list of values Itzuli komaz bereizitako balio-zerrenda bat
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Find whether the type of a variable is string | Aztertu aldagai bat karaktere-kate bat den | Details | |
Find whether the type of a variable is string Aztertu aldagai bat karaktere-kate bat den
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Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string | Aztertu aldagai bat zenbaki bat edo kate numeriko bat den | Details | |
Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string Aztertu aldagai bat zenbaki bat edo kate numeriko bat den
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Finds whether a variable is NULL | Aztertu aldagai bat nulua (NULL) den | Details | |
Finds whether a variable is NULL Aztertu aldagai bat nulua (NULL) den
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Finds whether a value is not a number | Aztertu balio bat zenbaki ez den | Details | |
Finds whether a value is not a number Aztertu balio bat zenbaki ez den
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Finds whether the type of a variable is float | Aztertu aldagai bat koma mugikor motakoa den | Details | |
Finds whether the type of a variable is float Aztertu aldagai bat koma mugikor motakoa den
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Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty | Zehaztu aldagai bat hutsik dagoela jotzen den | Details | |
Determine whether a variable is considered to be empty Zehaztu aldagai bat hutsik dagoela jotzen den
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Get the integer value of a variable | Lortu aldagai baten osoko balioa | Details | |
Get the integer value of a variable Lortu aldagai baten osoko balioa
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