Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Jul | Uzt | Details | |
Jun | Eka | Details | |
May | Mai | Details | |
Apr | Api | Details | |
Mar | Mar | Details | |
Feb | Ots | Details | |
Jan | Urt | Details | |
seconds | segundo | Details | |
mins | minutu | Details | |
hours | ordu | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. | Galdera honi erantzuteko denbora ia amaitu da. {TIME} gelditzen zaizu. | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. Galdera honi erantzuteko denbora ia amaitu da. {TIME} gelditzen zaizu.
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Time remaining | Gelditzen den denbora | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired | Amaitu da galdera honi erantzuteko denbora | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired Amaitu da galdera honi erantzuteko denbora
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One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed | Igotako fitxategi batek edo gehiagok ez dute baimendutako formatua edo tamaina, edo ez da gutxieneko fitxategi-kopurua igo. Ezin duzu aurrera egin fitxategi horiek zuzen eta osorik egon arte. | Details | |
One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed Igotako fitxategi batek edo gehiagok ez dute baimendutako formatua edo tamaina, edo ez da gutxieneko fitxategi-kopurua igo. Ezin duzu aurrera egin fitxategi horiek zuzen eta osorik egon arte.
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You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. | Galdera bat edo gehiago bete arte ezin duzu jarraitu. | Details | |
You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. Galdera bat edo gehiago bete arte ezin duzu jarraitu.
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