Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
16 or up | 16.a edo hortik aurrerakoa | Details | |
SPSS version: | SPSS bertsioa: | Details | |
Export response data to SPSS | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. | Zure datuak orain inportatu beharko lirateke. data.frame-ren izena "data” da; variable.labels datuen atributuak dira ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), adibidez, foreign:read.spss. | Details | |
Your data should be imported now, the data.frame is named "data", the variable.labels are attributes of data ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), like for foreign:read.spss. Zure datuak orain inportatu beharko lirateke. data.frame-ren izena "data” da; variable.labels datuen atributuak dira ("attributes(data)$variable.labels"), adibidez, foreign:read.spss.
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Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) | Gorde biak R lan-direktorioan (erabili getwd() eta setwd() Rren komando-leihoan direktorio hori lortzeko eta konfiguratzeko). | Details | |
Save both of them on the R working directory (use getwd() and setwd() on the R command window to get and set it) Gorde biak R lan-direktorioan (erabili getwd() eta setwd() Rren komando-leihoan direktorio hori lortzeko eta konfiguratzeko).
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Download the data and the syntax file. | Deskargatu datuak eta sintaxi-fitxategia. | Details | |
Download the data and the syntax file. Deskargatu datuak eta sintaxi-fitxategia.
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Instructions for the impatient | Zazpikientzako jarraibideak | Details | |
Instructions for the impatient Zazpikientzako jarraibideak
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Step 2: | 2. urratsa: | Details | |
Step 1: | 1. urratsa: | Details | |
Data selection: | Datu-aukeraketa | Details | |
Export data | Esportatu datuak | Details | |
Your survey can export associated participant data with each response. Select any additional fields you would like to export. | Galdera bakoitzari dagozkion inkestatuen datuak esporta daitezke. Esportatu nahi dituzun eremuak aukeratu. | Details | |
Your survey can export associated participant data with each response. Select any additional fields you would like to export. Galdera bakoitzari dagozkion inkestatuen datuak esporta daitezke. Esportatu nahi dituzun eremuak aukeratu.
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(Iconv Library not installed) | (Iconv liburutegia instalatu gabe) | Details | |
(Iconv Library not installed) (Iconv liburutegia instalatu gabe)
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Format | Formatua | Details | |
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