Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Edit answer options | Editatu erantzun-aukerak | Details | |
Visit our website! | Bisita ezazu gure webgunea! | Details | |
Support this project - Donate to | Proiektuarekin kolaboratu - Eman diru-laguntza | Details | |
Support this project - Donate to Proiektuarekin kolaboratu - Eman diru-laguntza
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Status | Egoera | Details | |
Online manual | Online eskuliburua | Details | |
Online Manual | LimeSurvey-ren online eskuliburua | Details | |
Done. Test your survey using the %s icon. | Eginda. Probatu zure inkesta %s ikonoa erabilita. | Details | |
Done. Test your survey using the %s icon. Eginda. Probatu zure inkesta %s ikonoa erabilita.
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Create one or more questions inside the new question group. | Sortu galdera-talde berriaren barruan galdera bat edo gehiago. | Details | |
Create one or more questions inside the new question group. Sortu galdera-talde berriaren barruan galdera bat edo gehiago.
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Create a new question group inside your survey. | Sortu galdera-talde barri bat zure inkestan. | Details | |
Create a new question group inside your survey. Sortu galdera-talde barri bat zure inkestan.
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Some piece-of-cake steps to create your very own first survey: | Urrats erraz batzuk zure lehen inkesta sortzeko: | Details | |
Some piece-of-cake steps to create your very own first survey: Urrats erraz batzuk zure lehen inkesta sortzeko:
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Welcome to %s! | Ongi etorri! %s! | Details | |
Edit label sets | Editatu etiketa-multzoak | Details | |
Administration | Administrazioa | Details | |
Date saved | Data gorde da | Details | |
Identifier | Identifikatzailea | Details | |
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