Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
This question has missing subquestions. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. | Datu-basea oraindik existitzen ez bada, sortu egingo da (ziurtatu datu-baseko zure erabiltzaileak beharrezko baimen guztiak dituela). Aitzitik, datu-base horretan jadanik LimeSurvey taulak baldin badaude, automatikoki eguneratuko dira instalazioa amaitu ondoren. | Details | |
If the database does not yet exist it will be created (make sure your database user has the necessary permissions). In contrast, if there are existing LimeSurvey tables in that database they will be upgraded automatically after installation. Datu-basea oraindik existitzen ez bada, sortu egingo da (ziurtatu datu-baseko zure erabiltzaileak beharrezko baimen guztiak dituela). Aitzitik, datu-base horretan jadanik LimeSurvey taulak baldin badaude, automatikoki eguneratuko dira instalazioa amaitu ondoren.
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By question group | Galdera-taldearen arabera | Details | |
Regenerate question codes | Berriro sortu galdera-kodeak | Details | |
Question codes were successfully regenerated. | Galdera-kodeak behar bezala sortu dira berriro. | Details | |
Question codes were successfully regenerated. Galdera-kodeak behar bezala sortu dira berriro.
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Minute | Minutua | Details | |
Hour | Ordua | Details | |
Start bounce processing | Hasi erreboteko mezu elektronikoak prozesatzen | Details | |
Start bounce processing Hasi erreboteko mezu elektronikoak prozesatzen
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Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. | Erreboteko mezuak prozesatzeko sistema desaktibatuta dago, dela aplikazioa osoan, dela inkesta honetan. | Details | |
Bounce processing is deactivated either application-wide or for this survey in particular. Erreboteko mezuak prozesatzeko sistema desaktibatuta dago, dela aplikazioa osoan, dela inkesta honetan.
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Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique | "Egiazkoa" itzultzen du, hutsik ez dauden erantzun guztiak bakarrak badira. | Details | |
Returns true if all non-empty responses are unique "Egiazkoa" itzultzen du, hutsik ez dauden erantzun guztiak bakarrak badira.
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Show text responses inline: | Erakutsi testu-erantzunak inline | Details | |
Show text responses inline: Erakutsi testu-erantzunak inline
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View response | Ikusi erantzuna | Details | |
Only numbers may be entered in this field. | Zenbakiak baino ezin dira sartu eremu honetan. | Details | |
Only numbers may be entered in this field. Zenbakiak baino ezin dira sartu eremu honetan.
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Enable map display | Gaitu erakutsi mapa | Details | |
Disable map display | Desgaitu erakutsi mapa | Details | |
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