Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No new participants were created | Ez da sortu parte-hartzaile berririk | Details | |
No new participants were created Ez da sortu parte-hartzaile berririk
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Can edit? | Editatu dezake? | Details | |
Submitted | Bidalia | Details | |
Last invited | Azken aldiz gonbidatua | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped | Oharra: elementu-eremu estandarrak ezin dira esleitu automatikoki | Details | |
Note: Standard participant fields cannot be automatically mapped Oharra: elementu-eremu estandarrak ezin dira esleitu automatikoki
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Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? | Gainean idatzi eremu-balio estandarrak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago? | Details | |
Overwrite existing standard field values if a participant already exists? Gainean idatzi eremu-balio estandarrak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago?
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Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? | Gainean idatzi autoesleitutako atributuen balioak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago? | Details | |
Overwrite existing auto mapped attribute values if a participant already exists? Gainean idatzi autoesleitutako atributuen balioak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago?
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Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a participant already exists? | Gainean idatzi elementu-atributuen balioak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago? | Details | |
Overwrite existing participant attribute values if a participant already exists? Gainean idatzi elementu-atributuen balioak parte-hartzaile bat lehendik baldin badago?
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Unmapped participant attributes | Parte-hartzailearen esleitu gabeko atributuak | Details | |
Unmapped participant attributes Parte-hartzailearen esleitu gabeko atributuak
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This attribute is automatically mapped | Atributu hau automatikoki esleitzen da | Details | |
This attribute is automatically mapped Atributu hau automatikoki esleitzen da
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Pre-mapped attributes | Aurre-esleitutako atributuak | Details | |
Make these mappings automatic in future | Automatikoki egin esleipen horiek hemendik aurrera | Details | |
Make these mappings automatic in future Automatikoki egin esleipen horiek hemendik aurrera
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Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? | Gainean idatzi lehendik dauden atributu-balioak parte-hartzaile bat jadanik existitzen bada? | Details | |
Overwrite existing attribute values if a participant already exists? Gainean idatzi lehendik dauden atributu-balioak parte-hartzaile bat jadanik existitzen bada?
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Existing participant attributes | Lehendik dauden parte-hartzaileen atributuak | Details | |
Existing participant attributes Lehendik dauden parte-hartzaileen atributuak
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Participant attributes to create | Sortu beharreko parte-hartzaileen atributuak | Details | |
Participant attributes to create Sortu beharreko parte-hartzaileen atributuak
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