Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Single response: ID %s | Erantzun bakarra: ID %s | Details | |
Filter | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Select columns | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
LDAP queries are defined by the administrator in the configuration file /application/config/ldap.php . | Administratzaileak LDAP kontsultak /application/config/ldap.php konfigurazio-fitxategian zehazten ditu. | Details | |
LDAP queries are defined by the administrator in the configuration file /application/config/ldap.php . Administratzaileak LDAP kontsultak /application/config/ldap.php konfigurazio-fitxategian zehazten ditu.
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Invalid survey ID | Inkestaren IDa ez da balioduna. | Details | |
Tab-separated-values format (*.txt) | Tabuladorez bereizitako balioen formatua (*.txt) | Details | |
Tab-separated-values format (*.txt) Tabuladorez bereizitako balioen formatua (*.txt)
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%s min. %s sec. | %s min. %s seg. | Details | |
(Sub-)question width | Azpi-galderaren portzentajea | Details | |
Set the percentage width of the (sub-)question column (1-100) | Ezarri azpi-galderaren zutabe-zabaleraren portzentajea (1-100) | Details | |
Set the percentage width of the (sub-)question column (1-100) Ezarri azpi-galderaren zutabe-zabaleraren portzentajea (1-100)
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The imap PHP library is not installed or not activated. Please contact your system administrator. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The imap PHP library is not installed or not activated. Please contact your system administrator.
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German (informal) | Alemana (informala) | Details | |
Dutch (informal) | Nederlandera (informala) | Details | |
Czech (informal) | Txekiera (informala) | Details | |
Import failed. You specified an invalid file type '%s'. | Inportazioak huts egin du. Zehaztutako fitxategi mota ez da balioduna '%s'. | Details | |
Import failed. You specified an invalid file type '%s'. Inportazioak huts egin du. Zehaztutako fitxategi mota ez da balioduna '%s'.
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Save your unfinished survey | Gorde amaitu gabeko inkesta. | Details | |
Save your unfinished survey Gorde amaitu gabeko inkesta.
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