Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
These settings cannot be changed once the survey is online. | Neid seadeid ei saa muuta, kui küsitlus on avaldatud. | Details | |
These settings cannot be changed once the survey is online. Neid seadeid ei saa muuta, kui küsitlus on avaldatud.
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Click on 'Activate this survey' | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
You can create as many surveys as you like. | Saate luua nii palju küsitlusi, kui soovite. | Details | |
You can create as many surveys as you like. Saate luua nii palju küsitlusi, kui soovite.
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Click on the name of your survey to get back to the survey settings overview. | Klõpsake oma küsitluse nimel, et minna tagasi küsitluse seadete ülevaatesse. | Details | |
Click on the name of your survey to get back to the survey settings overview. Klõpsake oma küsitluse nimel, et minna tagasi küsitluse seadete ülevaatesse.
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Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. | Kui olete katsetamise lõpetanud, klõpsake nuppu Küsitluse eelvaade ja naaske sellesse aknasse. | Details | |
Click on 'Preview survey' and return to this window when you are done testing. Kui olete katsetamise lõpetanud, klõpsake nuppu Küsitluse eelvaade ja naaske sellesse aknasse.
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Please be aware that your answers will not be saved, because the survey isn't active yet. | Pange tähele, et teie vastuseid ei salvestata, kuna küsitlus pole veel aktiivne. | Details | |
Please be aware that your answers will not be saved, because the survey isn't active yet. Pange tähele, et teie vastuseid ei salvestata, kuna küsitlus pole veel aktiivne.
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Just click on this button and a new window will open, where you can test run your survey. | Klõpsake lihtsalt sellel nupul ja avaneb uus aken, kus saate oma küsitlust katsetada. | Details | |
Just click on this button and a new window will open, where you can test run your survey. Klõpsake lihtsalt sellel nupul ja avaneb uus aken, kus saate oma küsitlust katsetada.
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Please add at least two answer options to proceed. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Click on the 'Edit answer options' button. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. | Nüüd, kui meil on mõned alamküsimused, peame lisama ka vastusevariandid. | Details | |
Now that we've got some subquestions, we have to add answer options as well. Nüüd, kui meil on mõned alamküsimused, peame lisama ka vastusevariandid.
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You may save empty subquestions, but that would be pointless. | Te võite salvestada ka tühje alamküsimusi, kuid sellel pole mingit mõtet. | Details | |
You may save empty subquestions, but that would be pointless. Te võite salvestada ka tühje alamküsimusi, kuid sellel pole mingit mõtet.
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Please add at least two subquestions | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Click on the plus sign %s to add another subquestion to your question. | Klõpsake plussmärgil %s, et lisada oma küsimusele veel üks alamküsimus. | Details | |
Click on the plus sign %s to add another subquestion to your question. Klõpsake plussmärgil %s, et lisada oma küsimusele veel üks alamküsimus.
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Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. | Klõpsake nuppu Redigeeri alamküsimusi. | Details | |
Click on the 'Edit subquestions' button. Klõpsake nuppu Redigeeri alamküsimusi.
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Let's start with subquestions. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
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