Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The three top boxes are the most basic functions of LimeSurvey. | Kolm ülemist kasti on LimeSurvey põhifunktsioonid. | Details | |
The three top boxes are the most basic functions of LimeSurvey. Kolm ülemist kasti on LimeSurvey põhifunktsioonid.
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We would like to help you with a quick tour of the most essential functions and features. | Soovime teile abiks olla kõige olulisemate funktsioonide ja omaduste kiirtutvustusega. | Details | |
We would like to help you with a quick tour of the most essential functions and features. Soovime teile abiks olla kõige olulisemate funktsioonide ja omaduste kiirtutvustusega.
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Map height in pixel | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Map width in pixel | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
When using slider initial value set this value at survey start. | Kui kasutate liuguri algväärtust, määrake see väärtus küsitluse alguses. | Details | |
When using slider initial value set this value at survey start. Kui kasutate liuguri algväärtust, määrake see väärtus küsitluse alguses.
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Please type in a code that consists only of letters and numbers, and doesn't start with a number. | Sisestage kood, mis koosneb ainult tähtedest ja numbritest ega alga numbriga. | Details | |
Please type in a code that consists only of letters and numbers, and doesn't start with a number. Sisestage kood, mis koosneb ainult tähtedest ja numbritest ega alga numbriga.
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This code is also the name of the variable that will be exported to SPSS or Excel. | See kood on ka SPSS-i või Excelisse eksporditava muutuja nimi. | Details | |
This code is also the name of the variable that will be exported to SPSS or Excel. See kood on ka SPSS-i või Excelisse eksporditava muutuja nimi.
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This code is normally not shown to your participants, still it is necessary and has to be unique for the survey. | Tavaliselt seda koodi osalejatele ei näidata, kuid see on siiski vajalik ja peab olema iga küsitluse puhul kordumatu. | Details | |
This code is normally not shown to your participants, still it is necessary and has to be unique for the survey. Tavaliselt seda koodi osalejatele ei näidata, kuid see on siiski vajalik ja peab olema iga küsitluse puhul kordumatu.
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Please be careful - if you delete default entries you may not be able access some parts of the application. | Olge ettevaatlik! Kui kustutate vaikekirjed, ei pruugi teil olla võimalik rakenduse mõnele osale juurde pääseda. | Details | |
Please be careful - if you delete default entries you may not be able access some parts of the application. Olge ettevaatlik! Kui kustutate vaikekirjed, ei pruugi teil olla võimalik rakenduse mõnele osale juurde pääseda.
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The survey group '%s' was deleted. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
If you want to modify it %s you can extend it%s. | Kui soovite seda muuta, %ssaate seda laiendada%s. | Details | |
If you want to modify it %s you can extend it%s. Kui soovite seda muuta, %ssaate seda laiendada%s.
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(This question is mandatory) | (See küsimus on kohustuslik) | Details | |
(This question is mandatory) (See küsimus on kohustuslik)
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Please confirm you want to clear your response? | Kas oled kindel, et soovid oma vastused kustutada? | Details | |
Please confirm you want to clear your response? Kas oled kindel, et soovid oma vastused kustutada?
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Copy to local theme and save changes | Kopeeri kohalikku kujundusse ja salvesta muudatused | Details | |
Copy to local theme and save changes Kopeeri kohalikku kujundusse ja salvesta muudatused
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Inherited | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
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