Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
(Deleted user) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
All of the user's user groups were transferred to %s. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Show link/button to delete response & exit survey | Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odgovora in izhod iz ankete | Details | |
Show link/button to delete response & exit survey Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odgovora in izhod iz ankete
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Show link/button to delete response & exit survey | Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odziva in izhod iz ankete | Details | |
Show link/button to delete response & exit survey Prikaži povezavo/gumb za brisanje odziva in izhod iz ankete
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Wrap tables | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
%s (ID: %s) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. | Spoštovani skrbnik ankete. Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek »Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila« v spodnjih anketah. | Details | |
Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. Spoštovani skrbnik ankete. Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ↵ ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek »Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila« v spodnjih anketah.
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Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. | Spoštovani skrbnik ankete. Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek 'Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila' v spodnjih anketah. | Details | |
Dear survey administrator, ↵ There were one or more notification emails that failed to be sent. Please check the 'Failed email notifications' section in the survey(s) listed below. Spoštovani skrbnik ankete.↵ Enega ali več e-poštnih obvestil ni bilo mogoče poslati. Preverite razdelek 'Neuspešna e-poštna obvestila' v spodnjih anketah.
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Please note that failed email notifications will be automatically deleted after 30 days. | Upoštevajte, da bodo neuspešna e-poštna obvestila samodejno izbrisana po 30 dneh. | Details | |
Please note that failed email notifications will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Upoštevajte, da bodo neuspešna e-poštna obvestila samodejno izbrisana po 30 dneh.
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An email has been sent with details about your saved survey. Please make sure to remember your password. | Poslali smo vam e-poštno sporočilo s podrobnostmi o shranjeni anketi. Zapomnite si svoje geslo. | Details | |
An email has been sent with details about your saved survey. Please make sure to remember your password. Poslali smo vam e-poštno sporočilo s podrobnostmi o shranjeni anketi. Zapomnite si svoje geslo.
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Thank you for saving your survey in progress. The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off. | Hvala, ker ste shranili anketo v teku. Z naslednjimi podrobnostmi se boste lahko vrnili v anketo in nadaljevali tam, kjer ste končali. | Details | |
Thank you for saving your survey in progress. The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off. Hvala, ker ste shranili anketo v teku. Z naslednjimi podrobnostmi se boste lahko vrnili v anketo in nadaljevali tam, kjer ste končali.
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Delete failed email notifications | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Thank you for saving your survey in progress. The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off. Please make sure to remember your password - we cannot retrieve it for you. | Hvala, ker ste shranili svojo anketo v teku. Z naslednjimi podatki se boste lahko vrnili v anketo in nadaljevali tam, kjer ste ostali. Ne pozabite gesla – ne moremo ga pridobiti namesto vas. | Details | |
Thank you for saving your survey in progress. The following details can be used to return to this survey and continue where you left off. Please make sure to remember your password - we cannot retrieve it for you. Hvala, ker ste shranili svojo anketo v teku. Z naslednjimi podatki se boste lahko vrnili v anketo in nadaljevali tam, kjer ste ostali. Ne pozabite gesla – ne moremo ga pridobiti namesto vas.
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Failed email notifications | Neuspela e-poštna obvestila | Details | |
Free trial | Brezplačen preizkus | Details | |
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