Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Permission to activate, deactivate a survey | Dovoljenja za aktiviranje/deaktiviranje ankete | Details | |
Permission to activate, deactivate a survey Dovoljenja za aktiviranje/deaktiviranje ankete
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Survey activation | Aktiviranje ankete | Details | |
Permission to view statistics | Dovoljenja za ogled statistike | Details | |
Permission to view statistics Dovoljenja za ogled statistike
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Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje(vnos podatkov)/ogled/posodobitev/izbris/uvoz/izvoz odzivov | Details | |
Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje(vnos podatkov)/ogled/posodobitev/izbris/uvoz/izvoz odzivov
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Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje (vnos podatkov), ogled, posodobitev, izbris, uvoz, izvoz odzivov | Details | |
Permission to create(data entry), view, update, delete, import, export responses Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje (vnos podatkov), ogled, posodobitev, izbris, uvoz, izvoz odzivov
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Responses | Odzivi | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete quota rules for a survey | Dovoljenja za ustvaritev/pogled/spreminjanje/izbris kvote pravil za anketo | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete quota rules for a survey Dovoljenja za ustvaritev/pogled/spreminjanje/izbris kvote pravil za anketo
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Quotas | Kvote | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete assessments rules for a survey | Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje/ogled/posodobitev/izbris pravil ocenjevanja ankete | Details | |
Permission to create, view, update, delete assessments rules for a survey Dovoljenje za ustvarjanje/ogled/posodobitev/izbris pravil ocenjevanja ankete
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Assessments | Ocene | Details | |
Passwords do not match! | Gesli se ne ujemata! | Details | |
Your survey was successfully saved. | Vaša anketa je bila uspešno shranjena. | Details | |
Your survey was successfully saved. Vaša anketa je bila uspešno shranjena.
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Error: Email failed, this may indicate a PHP Mail Setup problem on the server. Your survey details have still been saved, however you will not get an email with the details. You should note the "name" and "password" you just used for future reference. | Napaka: Elektronska pošta ni bila poslana. To je lahko posledica nastavitev PHP strežnika. Odgovori na anketo so bili shranjeni, vendar ne boste dobili elektronske pošte s podrobnostmi. Za v prihodnje si zapišite "ime" in "geslo" . | Details | |
Error: Email failed, this may indicate a PHP Mail Setup problem on the server. Your survey details have still been saved, however you will not get an email with the details. You should note the "name" and "password" you just used for future reference. Napaka: Elektronska pošta ni bila poslana. To je lahko posledica nastavitev PHP strežnika. Odgovori na anketo so bili shranjeni, vendar ne boste dobili elektronske pošte s podrobnostmi. Za v prihodnje si zapišite "ime" in "geslo" .
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This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save name. | To ime je bilo že uporabljeno za to anketo. Izbrati morate unikatno ime. | Details | |
This name has already been used for this survey. You must use a unique save name. To ime je bilo že uporabljeno za to anketo. Izbrati morate unikatno ime.
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Moving user templates to new location at %s... | Premikam predloge uporabnika na novo lokacijo: %s... | Details | |
Moving user templates to new location at %s... Premikam predloge uporabnika na novo lokacijo: %s...
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