Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Once a survey has been activated you can no longer add or delete questions, question groups or subquestions. | Ko je anketa aktivirana, ne morete več dodajati ali brisati vprašanj, skupin vprašanj ali podvprašanj. | Details | |
Once a survey has been activated you can no longer add or delete questions, question groups or subquestions. Ko je anketa aktivirana, ne morete več dodajati ali brisati vprašanj, skupin vprašanj ali podvprašanj.
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Please keep in mind: | Prosimo imejte v mislih: | Details | |
I don't want to stop my survey right now. | Ne želim prekiniti ankete zdaj. | Details | |
I don't want to stop my survey right now. Ne želim prekiniti ankete zdaj.
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See details. | Glejte podrobnosti. | Details | |
Important: Export your responses before deactivating your survey. | Pomembno: Izvozite svoje odzive, preden deaktivirate anketo. | Details | |
Important: Export your responses before deactivating your survey. Pomembno: Izvozite svoje odzive, preden deaktivirate anketo.
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%sQuestions%s, %sgroups%s and %ssettings%s can be %sedited%s again. | %sVprašanja%s, %sskupine%s in %snastavitve%s je možno ponovno %surejati%s. | Details | |
%sQuestions%s, %sgroups%s and %ssettings%s can be %sedited%s again. %sVprašanja%s, %sskupine%s in %snastavitve%s je možno ponovno %surejati%s.
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%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has been closed. | %sUdeležencem%s bo %sonemogočen%s %sdostop%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa zaključena. | Details | |
%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has been closed. %sUdeležencem%s bo %sonemogočen%s %sdostop%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa zaključena.
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The %sability%s to %schange questions%s, groups and settings is %slimited%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has expired. | %sMožnost%s za %sspreminjanje vprašanj%s, skupin in nastavitev bo %somejena%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa potekla. | Details | |
The %sability%s to %schange questions%s, groups and settings is %slimited%s. A message will be displayed stating that the survey has expired. %sMožnost%s za %sspreminjanje vprašanj%s, skupin in nastavitev bo %somejena%s. Prikazano bo sporočilo, da je anketa potekla.
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%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s anymore. | %sUdeležencem%s bo %sdostop%s %sonemogočen%s. | Details | |
%sCannot%s be %saccessed%s by %sparticipants%s anymore. %sUdeležencem%s bo %sdostop%s %sonemogočen%s.
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Responses & participant information %swill be kept.%s | Odzivi & informacije o udeležencih %sbodo ohranjene.%s | Details | |
Responses & participant information %swill be kept.%s Odzivi & informacije o udeležencih %sbodo ohranjene.%s
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There are two ways to stop a survey. Please decide below: | Anketo lahko ustavite na dva načina. Odločite se spodaj: | Details | |
There are two ways to stop a survey. Please decide below: Anketo lahko ustavite na dva načina. Odločite se spodaj:
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You want to stop your survey | Želite ustaviti anketo | Details | |
Save and activate | Shrani in aktiviraj | Details | |
See all responses and statistics | Oglejte si vse odzive in statistične podatke | Details | |
See all responses and statistics Oglejte si vse odzive in statistične podatke
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Statistics and responses are now accessible. | Statistični podatki in odgovori so zdaj dostopni. | Details | |
Statistics and responses are now accessible. Statistični podatki in odgovori so zdaj dostopni.
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