Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
ISO 8859-13 Baltic (latin7) | ISO 8859-13 baltisk (latin7) | Details | |
ISO 8859-13 Baltic (latin7) ISO 8859-13 baltisk (latin7)
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ISO 8859-9 Turkish (latin5) | ISO 8859 tyrkisk (latin5) | Details | |
ISO 8859-2 Central European (latin2) | ISO 8859-2 Sentral-Europa (latin2) | Details | |
ISO 8859-2 Central European (latin2) ISO 8859-2 Sentral-Europa (latin2)
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ISO 8859-1 West European (latin1) | ISO 8859-1 Vest-Europa (latin1) | Details | |
ISO 8859-1 West European (latin1) ISO 8859-1 Vest-Europa (latin1)
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DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak (cp895) | DOS kamenicky tjekkisk-slovakisk (cp895) | Details | |
DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak (cp895) DOS kamenicky tjekkisk-slovakisk (cp895)
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Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows Japanese (cp932) | Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows japansk (cp932) | Details | |
Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows Japanese (cp932) Windows-31J - SJIS for Windows japansk (cp932)
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DOS Cyrillic (cp866) | DOS kyrillisk (cp866) | Details | |
DOS Central European (cp852) | DOS Sentral-Europa (cp852) | Details | |
DOS Central European (cp852) DOS Sentral-Europa (cp852)
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DOS West European (cp850) | DOS Vest-Europa (cp850) | Details | |
Windows Baltic (Windows-1257) | Windows baltisk (Windows-1257) | Details | |
Windows Baltic (Windows-1257) Windows baltisk (Windows-1257)
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Windows Arabic (Windows-1256) | Windows arabisk (Windows-1256) | Details | |
Windows Arabic (Windows-1256) Windows arabisk (Windows-1256)
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Windows Cyrillic (Windows-1251) | Windows kyrillisk (Windows-1251) | Details | |
Windows Cyrillic (Windows-1251) Windows kyrillisk (Windows-1251)
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Windows Central European (Windows-1250) | Windows sentraleuropeisk (Windows 1250) | Details | |
Windows Central European (Windows-1250) Windows sentraleuropeisk (Windows 1250)
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Add a button to reset the slider. If you choose an start value, it reset at start value, else empty the answer. | Legg til en knapp for å nullstille skyvekontrollen. Ved nullstilling slettes allerede angitt verdi. | Details | |
Add a button to reset the slider. If you choose an start value, it reset at start value, else empty the answer. Legg til en knapp for å nullstille skyvekontrollen. Ved nullstilling slettes allerede angitt verdi.
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The handle is displayed at the middle of the slider except if Slider initial value is set (this will not set the initial value). | Håndtaket blir vist på midten av skyvekontrollen med mindre en standardverdi er satt (denne innstillingen vil ikke angi en standardverdi). | Details | |
The handle is displayed at the middle of the slider except if Slider initial value is set (this will not set the initial value). Håndtaket blir vist på midten av skyvekontrollen med mindre en standardverdi er satt (denne innstillingen vil ikke angi en standardverdi).
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