Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You can't update question code for an active survey. | Anda tidak dapat memperbarui kode pertanyaan untuk survei aktif. | Details | |
You can't update question code for an active survey. Anda tidak dapat memperbarui kode pertanyaan untuk survei aktif.
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Your answer must be between %s and %s | Jawaban Anda harus di antara %s dan %s | Details | |
Your answer must be between %s and %s Jawaban Anda harus di antara %s dan %s
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Your answer must be %s | Jawaban Anda harus %s | Details | |
Your answer must be at most %s | Jawaban Anda paling besar harus %s | Details | |
Your answer must be at most %s Jawaban Anda paling besar harus %s
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Your answer must be at least %s | Jawaban Anda paling kecil harus %s | Details | |
Your answer must be at least %s Jawaban Anda paling kecil harus %s
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There were errors when trying to populate the database: | Ada kesalahan saat mencoba mengisi basis data: | Details | |
There were errors when trying to populate the database: Ada kesalahan saat mencoba mengisi basis data:
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PDF header string (if empty, survey name will be used): | String tajuk PDF (jika kosong, nama survei akan digunakan): | Details | |
PDF header string (if empty, survey name will be used): String tajuk PDF (jika kosong, nama survei akan digunakan):
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PDF header title (if empty, site name will be used): | Judul tajuk PDF (jika kosong, nama situs akan digunakan): | Details | |
PDF header title (if empty, site name will be used): Judul tajuk PDF (jika kosong, nama situs akan digunakan):
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Width of PDF header logo: | Lebar logo pada tajuk PDF: | Details | |
Show header in answers export PDFs: | Tampilkan tajuk dalam jawaban, ekspor PDF: | Details | |
Show header in answers export PDFs: Tampilkan tajuk dalam jawaban, ekspor PDF:
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Font size of PDFs: | Ukuran huruf PDF: | Details | |
Text needs to be lowercase. | Teks harus dalam huruf kecil. | Details | |
Text needs to be lowercase. Teks harus dalam huruf kecil.
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Text needs to be uppercase. | Teks harus dalam huruf besar. | Details | |
Text needs to be uppercase. Teks harus dalam huruf besar.
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Total screened out | Jumlah token tersisih | Details | |
You can use Expression manager, but this must be a number before showing the page else set to 1. | Anda dapat menggunakan manajer Ekspresi, tetapi ini harus berupa angka sebelum menampilkan halaman lain yang ditetapkan ke 1. | Details | |
You can use Expression manager, but this must be a number before showing the page else set to 1. Anda dapat menggunakan manajer Ekspresi, tetapi ini harus berupa angka sebelum menampilkan halaman lain yang ditetapkan ke 1.
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