Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The answer(s) must meet these array_filter criteria: | Odgovor(i) moraju ispunjavati ove kriterije za array_filter: | Details | |
The answer(s) must meet these array_filter criteria: Odgovor(i) moraju ispunjavati ove kriterije za array_filter:
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The answer(s) must meet these validation criteria: | Odgovor(i) mora(ju) zadovoljavati ove kriterije za provjeru valjanosti: | Details | |
The answer(s) must meet these validation criteria: Odgovor(i) mora(ju) zadovoljavati ove kriterije za provjeru valjanosti:
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Only answer this if the following conditions are met: | Odgovori samo ako su sljedeći uvjeti ispunjeni: | Details | |
Only answer this if the following conditions are met: Odgovori samo ako su sljedeći uvjeti ispunjeni:
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Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): | Učitajte ponovo vaš upitnik klikom na sljedeći URL (ili ga kopirajte u web preglednik): | Details | |
Reload your survey by clicking on the following link (or pasting it into your browser): Učitajte ponovo vaš upitnik klikom na sljedeći URL (ili ga kopirajte u web preglednik):
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Password | Zaporka | Details | |
Saved Survey Details | Detalji spremljenog upitnika | Details | |
Success | Uspjeh | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. | Vaši odgovori na anketu uspješno su spremljeni. Poslat ćemo vam poruku e-pošte s potvrdom. Obvezno spremite lozinku jer je nećemo moći dohvatiti za vas. | Details | |
Your survey responses have been saved successfully. You will be sent a confirmation email. Please make sure to save your password, since we will not be able to retrieve it for you. Vaši odgovori na anketu uspješno su spremljeni. Poslat ćemo vam poruku e-pošte s potvrdom. Obvezno spremite lozinku jer je nećemo moći dohvatiti za vas.
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Your passwords do not match. | Vaše zaporke se ne poklapaju. | Details | |
Your passwords do not match. Vaše zaporke se ne poklapaju.
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You must supply a password for this saved session. | Morate koristiti zaporku za ovu snimljenu sesiju. | Details | |
You must supply a password for this saved session. Morate koristiti zaporku za ovu snimljenu sesiju.
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You must supply a name for this saved session. | Morate koristiti ime za ovu snimljenu sesiju. | Details | |
You must supply a name for this saved session. Morate koristiti ime za ovu snimljenu sesiju.
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This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. | Ovaj upitnik je anonimnog tipa, stoga niste u mogućnosti ispravljati odgovore. | Details | |
This surveys uses anonymized responses, so you can't update your response. Ovaj upitnik je anonimnog tipa, stoga niste u mogućnosti ispravljati odgovore.
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Edit this entry | Uredi ovaj unos | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it | Izaberite sljedeći link kako bi izvršili promjene | Details | |
Follow the following link to update it Izaberite sljedeći link kako bi izvršili promjene
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There is already a recorded answer for this access code | Već postoji zaprimljeni odgovor za ovaj pristupni kôd | Details | |
There is already a recorded answer for this access code Već postoji zaprimljeni odgovor za ovaj pristupni kôd
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