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Please choose | Molim izaberite | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. | Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza datoteke. Uzrok greške mogu biti neispravno podešena prava u /tmp direktoriju aplikacije. | Details | |
An error occurred uploading your file. This may be caused by incorrect permissions for the application /tmp folder. Došlo je do greške prilikom uvoza datoteke. Uzrok greške mogu biti neispravno podešena prava u /tmp direktoriju aplikacije.
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Error! | Greška! | Details | |
This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a access code. Please contact the administrator for assistance. | Ovaj upitnik je zatvorenog tipa, stoga morate posjedovati valjan pristupni kôd. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora za pomoć. | Details | |
This is a closed-access survey, so you must supply a access code. Please contact the administrator for assistance. Ovaj upitnik je zatvorenog tipa, stoga morate posjedovati valjan pristupni kôd. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora za pomoć.
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Data entry | Unos podataka | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. | %s starih odgovora i pripadajućih vremena je uspješno uvezeno. | Details | |
%s old response(s) and according timings were successfully imported. %s starih odgovora i pripadajućih vremena je uspješno uvezeno.
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%s old response(s) were successfully imported. | %s starih odgovora je uspješno uvezeno. | Details | |
%s old response(s) were successfully imported. %s starih odgovora je uspješno uvezeno.
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Quick statistics | Brza statistika | Details | |
Import VV file | Uvoz VV datoteke | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. | Postavke upitnika su uspješno spremljene. | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. Postavke upitnika su uspješno spremljene.
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Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. | Pitanje ne može biti promijenjeno. Postoje uvjeti za druga pitanja koja se oslanjaju na odgovore na ovo pitanje i promjena tipa pitanja će uzrokovati probleme. Morate obrisati te uvjete prije nego što promijenite tip ovog pitanja. | Details | |
Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. Pitanje ne može biti promijenjeno. Postoje uvjeti za druga pitanja koja se oslanjaju na odgovore na ovo pitanje i promjena tipa pitanja će uzrokovati probleme. Morate obrisati te uvjete prije nego što promijenite tip ovog pitanja.
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Question could not be created. | Nije moguće stvoriti pitanje. | Details | |
Question could not be created. Nije moguće stvoriti pitanje.
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Question in language %s could not be created. | Pitanje na %s jeziku nije moguće kreirati. | Details | |
Question in language %s could not be created. Pitanje na %s jeziku nije moguće kreirati.
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Failed to delete answer | Neuspješno brisanje odgovora | Details | |
Duplicate codes found, these entries won't be updated | Pronađeni su duplikati kôdova, ovi zapisi neće biti ažurirani | Details | |
Duplicate codes found, these entries won't be updated Pronađeni su duplikati kôdova, ovi zapisi neće biti ažurirani
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