Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Not Selected | Nije odabran | Details | |
SQL command failed: %s | SQL naredba nije uspjela: %s | Details | |
Uses left | Preostalo korištenja | Details | |
Total numbers of sent reminders | Ukupan broj poslanih podsjetnika | Details | |
Total numbers of sent reminders Ukupan broj poslanih podsjetnika
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Invitation sent date | Datum slanja pozivnice | Details | |
Language code | Kôd jezika | Details | |
Email address | E-mail adresa | Details | |
Email was not sent because demo-mode is activated. | E-mail nije poslan jer je aktivan DEMO način rada. | Details | |
Email was not sent because demo-mode is activated. E-mail nije poslan jer je aktivan DEMO način rada.
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Randomization group name | Ime skupine nasumičnosti | Details | |
Place questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group will appear in a random order | Postavite pitanja u određenu skupinu slučajnosti, sva pitanja uključena u navedenu skupinu pojavit će se slučajnim redoslijedom | Details | |
Place questions into a specified randomization group, all questions included in the specified group will appear in a random order Postavite pitanja u određenu skupinu slučajnosti, sva pitanja uključena u navedenu skupinu pojavit će se slučajnim redoslijedom
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Allowed file types | Dozvoljene vrste datoteka | Details | |
Allowed file types in comma separated format. e.g. pdf,doc,odt | Dozvoljene vrste datoteka u formatu odvojenom zarezima. npr. pdf, doc, odt | Details | |
Allowed file types in comma separated format. e.g. pdf,doc,odt Dozvoljene vrste datoteka u formatu odvojenom zarezima. npr. pdf, doc, odt
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Min number of files | Minimalni broj datoteka | Details | |
Minimum number of files that the participant must upload for this question | Minimalni broj datoteka koje ik mora prenesti za ovo pitanje | Details | |
Minimum number of files that the participant must upload for this question Minimalni broj datoteka koje ik mora prenesti za ovo pitanje
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Max number of files | Maksimalan broj datoteka | Details | |
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