Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab. | Unesite jednu oznaku po retku. Možete dati kôd tako da odvojite kôd i tekst oznake s točka zarezom ili tabulatorom. Za višejezične upitnike dodajte prijevod na istu liniju odvojenu točka zarezom ili tabulatorom. | Details | |
Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab. Unesite jednu oznaku po retku. Možete dati kôd tako da odvojite kôd i tekst oznake s točka zarezom ili tabulatorom. Za višejezične upitnike dodajte prijevod na istu liniju odvojenu točka zarezom ili tabulatorom.
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Enter your labels: | Ispiši svoje odgovore: | Details | |
Import resources ZIP archive | Uvoz resursa ZIP arhive | Details | |
Select ZIP file: | Odaberite ZIP datoteku: | Details | |
Export resources as ZIP archive | Izvoz resursa kao ZIP arhiva | Details | |
Export resources as ZIP archive Izvoz resursa kao ZIP arhiva
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Browse uploaded resources | Pregledajte prenesene resurse | Details | |
Browse uploaded resources Pregledajte prenesene resurse
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Images | Slike | Details | |
Flash | Flash | Details | |
Files | Datoteke | Details | |
Save changes | Spremi promjene | Details | |
Code | Kôd | Details | |
Error: 'other' is a reserved keyword. | Greška: 'ostali' je rezervirana ključna riječ. | Details | |
Error: 'other' is a reserved keyword. Greška: 'ostali' je rezervirana ključna riječ.
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Error: You are trying to use duplicate label codes. | Pogreška: Pokušavate koristiti duplikat kôdova oznaka. | Details | |
Error: You are trying to use duplicate label codes. Pogreška: Pokušavate koristiti duplikat kôdova oznaka.
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Uploaded resources management | Upravljanje uvezenim resursima | Details | |
Uploaded resources management Upravljanje uvezenim resursima
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Logout | Odjava | Details | |
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